7 10

A known 15 convictions drug dealer in my town posted on Facebook buy sell trade "coffee can and parts" and it was bump stocks. Quickly I snap screenshots and report to Facebook and admins.

I call dispatch for the town. "Yes this known felon is selling bump stocks online."

"That's not illegal and doesnt prove he has any guns"

"Okay what about the profile picture of him shooting an m-15?"

"That might not be his"

"But a felon. In possession of fire arms. Is illegal."

"Yes but you can't prove that photo was taken while he was a felon."

"But....hes been a felon since he was 16....this photo is as an adult"

"Ma'am this is all just speculation."


Fucking Kansas

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Jan 9
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Without the person who took the picture, they are not admissible as evidence, which also means you can't get a warrant either. You weren't wrong doing what you did, just because the police can't do anything, with nothing more than a picture to go by, doesn't mean they can't keep an eye on the guy,until he does something they can pick him up for.

MikeFlora Level 7 Jan 23, 2019

Call the FBI.


Bumpstocks are just a part. The only thing (I think you meant AR-15 or M-16) that is a firearm is the lower reciever.

I think you meant AR-15. M-16's are select.

Does it really matter? Big gun in drug dealers hands

@LadyAlyxandrea Unfortunately, laws tend to protect criminals. That's why I have a case that has been drawn out for almost half a year.

People like you are describing know how to get around laws.

@TheGreatShadow it sucks


Thanks for you doing the right thing. I hope someday you get a chance to tell the cops and local news, "I told you so". Hey, there's an idea. If you aren't done with this yet, call the local newspaper reporter who might be interested. Good luck to you.


ameriKKKa being ameriKKKa.


Wow ... Oblivious ....

Try calling the FBI...


Thanks for posting this, I'm sharing it!

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

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