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We don't have to wait on Congress to do something, there's stuff we can do ourselves. We can take donations and buy back assault weapons ourselves or go to gun stores and ask them nicely not to sell assault weapons. If they don't agree, put 200 people in their parking lot(worked with abortion clinics) until they do.

MikeFlora 7 Feb 22
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I have in the past and still do donate to 2 gun control groups. Right now one good thing is to get on the bandwagon protesting the insanity of the gun culture in this country and not listen to the worn out ideas from the self-serving and cowardly crowd.

Our county bans rifles for hunting. Most hunting areas are also hiker areas. We put our signs alerting people to this and leave orange vests. Handguns, muzzle loaders/shotguns, bows and cross bows are allowed. I will try and see if we can't include a ban for all assault weapons. There will be a little push back from the few nuts here but I don't expect much. It will come from outside (we passed a bill banning GMO farms and there was some inane advertisements from the pharmaceutical companies but it still passed).

JackPedigo Level 9 Feb 23, 2018

If we could get one place to ban assault weapon's, I think it would make it easier to get it done in other places.

I just read that several businesses are dropping their relationship with the NRA. @MikeFlora

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

Posted by TejasAnti trump pistol. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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