7 4

Poster Girl of a "sport".

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Feb 1
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I've eaten Deer, squirrel, groundhog, frog, crawdad, and rabbit that I've hunted. As long as you do that I don't have a problem. There's something wrong with that rabbit, it's got blood on it's back feet, it should be just splatter like the front legs. Anyway besides the Deer, all the rest taste like chicken just tougher

MikeFlora Level 7 Feb 2, 2019

Hilarious! Thousands of $$ worth of rifle, scope, ammo at five bucks per bang, designer camouflage, not to mention the monster 4x4 to get her there; all to gun down a bunny rabbit that a 12 year old could take out with a single shot .22RF. Don't know whether she is so proud of her marksmanship as her SO's credit rating.

Arouet Level 7 Feb 1, 2019

Not impressed...but I recall reading and seeing Daryl Hannah as Ayla in "Clan of the Cave Bear"...hunting using a "forbidden-for-women" sling...


ugly bitch can kill a little defenseless rabbit. how proud she must be of herself. she should be hanging her head in shame for being a murderer. like someone else said in the thread, she is a cunt!!!


She's a c*nt, makes me sick. She's probably going to turn the rabbit into a wall hanging. Humans are stupid animals too.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Feb 1, 2019

So if you really feel that way, then you must be sub-human, right??


@Logician she is. You can either believe that the Lord created us in his Superior State ,or we are animals. take your pick


She's got a nice smile....the gun is impressive....the kill is obvious. Meh.

I'd be more impressed if she killed her dinner with her bare hands, or a sling-shot...wearing less.


She's hot....

That's a lot of rabbit stew lol

Give ya that. She is hot.

I don't see anything hot about her. Why would anyone think she's hot???? Because she killed a small defenseless animal? She's a fucking hot mess nothing more.

Bet You she is full of Ugly tattoos.... Nothing hot on that!!!!!! Can she cook? If she Can't Cook that Rabbitt... She Ain't hot or worth the Rabbitt.

@Redheadedgammy She has a pretty face, and she's not fat, that's a start anyway

@Redheadedgammy How about the pig you got the bacon and pork chops from? Did it put up a fight to stay off your dinner plate? How about the dead cow you got your steaks and other cuts of meat from? Did it kick and bite all the way to the knacker's blade?
Unless you turn to veganism, you're just another clueless, brain dead idiot, or a hypocrite, take your pick there.


@Logician I am a vegetarian Randy. Chill your abusive insults, they certainly don't convince me or anyone else to listen to your opinion.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

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