4 6

Time to say welcome to the latest batch of new members. Speak up when the urge strikes. All we ask is to be civil and never say guns aren't the problem. I am your host and I am trying to get assault weapons banned, so I may seem a little over the top.

MikeFlora 7 Feb 28
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There is something seriously wrong with some people... Mass blessings of AR-15's in churches...give me a break!. They say guns aren't the problem, society has the problem.... Simple don't let society have them. People have a right to have guns for sure, but I definitely don't think that they should be using military grade weapons that kill a lot of people in a little amount of time.

Matt13 Level 4 Mar 1, 2018

That's the whole point of this group.

Lol, sorry mate, just got a bit carried away there.


I do not understand the difference between, say, landmines and machine guns? Why do the ammosexuals accept the banning of landmines? Why aren't thay demanding the right to protect their property by mining the borders?

lack of trigger bro.

@GipsyOfNewSpain machine guns have triggers. There has to be more to it?

Gipsy's right. They need that adrenaline rush. I can't picture that gun nut sitting in his $3 lawn chair under a tree watching to see if someone steps on his landmine.......wait.....maybe I can.

@Darthpug In fact I had/have a stalker who is an ammosexual. He is open and vocal that yes, he has Claymores, yes they are in sensitive places on his property, and yes, they are live and ready to stop any intruder. He is one of the "drop, roll, and fire" crowd, believes paintball is just like real battle, and has forced his son into the military.

@Darthpug You got that right... some don't call that finger anymore the pointing finger... they call it the trigger finger.

@Dick_Martin ammosexual is just such a right label for some people out there. Thank You I can use that.


Just in the news... Dicks rolling out new policy... no more semi automatic rifles, no sale of guns to anyone under 21.

Good for them. They stole my name but now I forgive them.

@Dick_Martin They are making you famous for the right reasons now... after all these years!!!!

@GipsyOfNewSpain True... Good point.

@GipsyOfNewSpain True... Good point.


They should be banned

Rudy1962 Level 9 Feb 28, 2018
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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

Posted by TejasAnti trump pistol. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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