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It's not a inconvenient truth it's a diversion. He's right the NRA hasn't actually killed anyone, but then again neither did Charles Manson. Pro gun loves to bring up how many people get killed in some other way, thinking it somehow justifies death by gun violence. Just because your finger wasn't on the trigger when it was pulled, doesn't mean your innocent of what happens next.

MikeFlora 7 Mar 1
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Nra always been a facilitator, the enabler.


As far as I know, Planned Parenthood has NEVER killed a baby! The NRA has pushed or blocked legislation that has led to thousands of deaths!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 1, 2018

A lot of it, in my opinion, is general attitude. By making these clearly extremist positions seem normal and middle-of-the road moves the country to a harsh, mean, and revengeful society, devoid of education, caring, and mutual support.


I got called some names when I explained to some folks (FB naturally) that this is a circular argument.

Also that abortion saves women's lives.

Also that women die in childbirth.

I'm still not over it. Thankfully one old friend stepped in - then another - and another (all men?). I had another woman calling me a baby killer! (It's appalling that she devolved right into name calling.).

Even my very Roman Catholic Mother believed in a women's right to choose?

Also Planned Parenthood does so much more than abortion. (And most clinics have to refer those to a central clinic). To avoid disruption.

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 1, 2018

The way John Kelly puts it, Planned Parenthood is doing something wrong. When what they do is 100% legal. NRA not taking any taxpayer money doesn't mean they aren't doing anything wrong.

@MikeFlora Don't I know it!

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

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