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Watch your wallets and purses, there are gun nuts amongst the group.

Darthpug 7 Mar 5
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I like how you decided to generate false propaganda, label, insult and generalize an entire group of people who are simply put, "law abiding citizens who exercise their individual rights".

I'm not saying I'm smart. But if someone said "We need better gun laws and to do that we need more votes to pass these laws" I'd go, okay so who is opposed to this? How can I negotiate with them? What can we do to help each other and get gun control going?

I would not insult all of them, label them as my enemies, provoke them or do anything disrespectful towards them. Because logically you would need their support to further your agenda.

I'm not pro or anti gun. I like to go target shooting and my country is relatively safe. We just have acid attacks, knife attacks, rapes, murders, gang crime, violent youths, car attacks, etc. So "Safe" for the 21st century.

I understand why some people would want guns, like single mothers working 2 jobs living with her kids in a violent neighborhood. If she didn't have a gun then she and her kids would be dead.

A good example of how messed up the world is would be White South African Farmers. There are people not just killing whites in SA but torturing them to death. It's truly awful, the stories that I've heard from police officers in SA.

So a gun is neither good nor bad, it is the individual person who commits the heinous act of killing. Which is why the US doesn't need new gun laws or more mental health specifically. They need to be more inclusive and less divisive. Don't judge or generalize people too much, don't insult them just because you disagree with them. Be welcoming and inclusive, help them to enjoy living and show others why life is so precious and dear. That's what America used to stand for anyway. Love, Life and Liberty.


Lancer Level 7 Mar 6, 2018

Well said!

I find in strange that someone that is pro-gun is on a gun control page. Don't get me wrong, you are more than welcome to be here and engage in conversation and post your view point. Have you engaged in any dialog while on this page? I do go on the Conservative Atheist page at times (I use to be a registered Republican once, but consider myself dead center of the current political fuckfest) but all I see is hatred toward this agnostic website and Liberals and I see the posts on the Conservative Atheist site by yourself and others professing the opposite of what you wrote above. Practice what you preach.

@Darthpug Fair enough. I mainly use the conservative athiest group to have a bit of fun. My views on this site and the people on it are just generalizations that don't really mean anything at all.

There's no hatred towards all liberals from me, some of my best friends are liberals. But when I get liberals reporting me for having a different opinion to them. Trying to get me booted from this site. I get a bit put off by them. Because I don't threaten people, I don't attack people, I just argue and debate with them. That's why I dislike some liberals, because they attack the person more often than they attack the argument.

Personally I'm very logical and open minded. I just don't like close minded people trying to bully and harass me.



Don't worry about your wallet and purses unless you post too much information about where you are and who you are. Some extreme trolls will try and take things to the next level.

On another site, a dude became so rude to me that he actually did research to figure out who I was, where I worked and some other things about me. Since then I have been reluctant to give more than kinda my info. Otherwise, I know that some trolls are actually insane and can't distinguish reality and the internet.

So let this be a reminder not to share too much personal info here.

marmot84 Level 7 Mar 5, 2018

Well that's stalking.

@RavenCT I guess so. I recall at the time considering reporting it to the police. It happens...


Yes and why would we be guarding our wallets and purses?

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 5, 2018

Agreed. These gun nuts are not concerned with wallets & purses. Their only interest is the sexual gratification of stroking a hot gun barrel and imagining it to be their very own own hot * hard penis.

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