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I am tired of seeing innocent people die because the only thing they did was stand where they were standing. One politician finally grows some balls and the first thing the NRA does is sue. A hostage situation at a Veterans home left 3 dead plus the shooter, before that another kid was shot in a school, and another kid in jail because of it. If one more person says guns aren't the problem, I'm going to shoot them twice. Once in the head and once in the ass, so I can be sure I hit them in the brains. Gun lovers say they need guns to protect people, well, you fired! you're doing a lousy job.

MikeFlora 7 Mar 11
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The NRA is a shill for the weapons manufacturers. I have some land and asked for folks wanting to come up with non-lethal options and we could test them in my woods. Nothing. Hell. Noise, mace, bright light, and low velocity, high mass projectiles. Rubber balls @ 100mph+ should take almost anyone down even with body armor. Just thinking. If your objective is to DEFEND.


I love guns, but have none. I don't see how people trust themselves not to use them wrongly. Very conflicted, but the innocents have to stop dying. Their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness trumps the other rights, except maybe the 1st and believe the intent of the 2nd amendment was the National Guard and so people could subsistence hunt. Here in Louisiana, we have periodic disasters where the cops can't get to you. The worst, but mostly the best in people come out at these times. It's the worst that one needs defense against. Big dogs help. I do know that I don't know.


What frosted my toe nails was to listen to the sheriff cal the veteran who shot up the veteran's home a hero. I am sorry. Calling him a hero and refusing to take care of him is a bigger crime than the NRA in my book.

I totally agree.

Seriously, I missed that part. He stopped being a hero when he pulled the trigger for the first time.

@MikeFlora Then you sadly underestimate the damage we cause by sending our young people to fight wars over oil.


Im supporting the kids in florida. . They have merchandise to sell that also supports the cause..and of course I will show up for the march on the 24th

Dante714 Level 5 Mar 11, 2018

Totally agree. Hate guns.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

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