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I've had similar thoughts before seeing this

Rudy1962 9 Mar 17
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How do people say "arm the teachers" with a straight face?

I think they say "allow trained teachers of sane mind to carry firearms if they so choose"
Not just anyone.

@Lancer Right. that's the issue, isn't it. We already do background checks on teachers; so it's pretty likely teachers are, by definition, same. So the issue really does come down to "arm the teachers", eh?

To be honest if I was in a room being shot into by a crazed gunman and the government appointed officers were waiting outside until I was dead, I'd want one of my teachers to at least have a gun to try and protect me and my class.

One of my teachers was ex army and another was ex police. So they were trained and of sound mind, prepared enough to defend the class if necessary. (They weren't armed but they would have fought to protect us anyway).

A female teacher at my schools primary school actually fought off a woman holding a knife to try and protect one of her students that the woman was trying to abduct. Regardless of whether she was armed or not she tried to protect her students. Are you saying that the kids aren't worth the teacher protecting them? Fair enough.

But I guess creating victims for statistical data collection is good for liberal media ratings.

@Lancer I understand what you are saying. I'd be interested in knowing if your ex-army teacher agrees with you? I know my retired frogman teacher would quit teaching before he wear a gun in the class room. I also suspect that any person who started shooting in his classroom would instantly regret the worst mistake of his life.


I understand that your teacher may have been able to subdue a school shooter. However let's be realistic. Any kid with a gun could easily kill at least 5 kids before they were stopped. If the teacher did run at the gunman then they would be shot and it's not a matter of "it doesn't hurt" because as we know if you hit a vital organ like the liver or heart, the body starts to shut down.


Guns do not belong in schools. No teacher should have one either.

I agree. And so do the teacher unions. Well pretty much all reasonable people do

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

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Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

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