What do you use for self-defence?
All Veterans are trained in hand to hand combat rifle range and side arm target shooting....the best defense is not making oneself a target
...exhibit strong able posture and always scan your perimeter....remember your ten general orders....beware idiot's bragging of a home arsenal and gun shaming civilians
When you look for answers where there is no problem... You are the Problem.
Sir, you are incorrect.
@TheGreatShadow One Day you will Grow to be a Man... and Maybe Not. I rather be Incorrect than Wrong but you Youngins can't Understand those things... lack of Life Experience makes you Scared and wanting to Defend Yourself of Everything You Don't Understand and there is a Lot you don't Understand.
@GipsyOfNewSpain The order of protection in my pocket says different...
My mom look. Don't laugh it's deadly according to my two sons....
Isn't that called the 'evil eye'?
@JackPedigo Yep, it could be called that. LOL
@Redheadedgammy My late partner had one which is a must for anyone teaching school.
I live on a peaceful island. I only lock the doors when I am away (sometimes). We don't lock our cars and often leave the keys in them (if someone steals one all we have to do is call the ferry and have the cars picked up). I have a sign that say "This property is gun free, NRA cowards not welcome and I get a lot of positive comments on it. Summers, especially weekends we are a little more cautious as that's when all the tourists come from the mainland. Our weekly police reports are often laughable.
It's called avoidance. Not paranoid, obsessive avoidance but the avoidance of dangerous confrontations using wise decisions and planning.
A low grumble from Gaia (GSD) is usually enough 'though she be but small she is fierce'
otherwise, hands, feet, or whatever is around at the time ... not allowed an AR50 in UK, but every house is full of defensive weaponry. I have a hand axe beside the door - for chopping wood - but it is very sharp and on standby
Body odor
That was Vikings first line of defense.
It's spelled self-defense.
Good catch. I read right around it.
Not in the Queens English .... but I accept your ancestors were perhaps unfamiliar with schools in England
One of my ancestors, Edward Doty, arrived on the Mayflower. He fought the first duel in America with pistols and swords. No one got hurt. Must have been drunk.
For punishment, they were tied back-to-back in the Plymouth jail for 48 hours.
@LiterateHiker that is a superb ancestor to have in the tree
@ShadowAmicus In ameriKKKa we don't Speak queens English.
@GipsyOfNewSpain I totally understand the logic of cultural distancing that happened post independence .... having spent time in various states I have to agree ... most in the US do not speak the Queens English
Vigilance while out of the house. At home, locked doors.
A toilet brush at home. Sharp knives in the kitchen.
I never hike alone.
Don't walk or run at night.
Keep car doors locked. This saved my life at age 21.
Never look into my purse or at my phone while walking outside.
Keep doors locked at home.
Never wear high heels. I need to run!
I have seen a picture of your scissors, which would be highly effective if needed .... and I know you cook, so have knives, rolling pin, etc
I have always thought that high heels are a formidable weapon. Hold at the toe and swing, hit with the narrow end of the heal. Of course one would have to take them off to run, I would not come near you if you were swinging a heel at me. But I would never approach you without you knowing my intentions, which would be to keep you safe.
Good point.
Thanks. I added sharpened knives to my list.
My plastic rolling pin is designed to put ice water inside for pie crusts.
Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.
Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.
Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.
Posted by Smurfing101
Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.
Posted by Tejas
Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12
Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12
Posted by MoravianSad but true.
Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.
Posted by TejasAnti trump pistol. Do you have mixed feelings about it?
Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!
Posted by Tejas
Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.
Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.
Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.