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AR-15 Inventor's Family: This Was Meant to Be a Military Weapon

But you got to keep in mind some of the prototypes were select. I hear from the gun nuts that "assault" is an action, not to describe a weapon. Why does the ATF use that do describe these weapons? They were designed for one purpose, and one purpose only.


TheGreatShadow 9 Oct 14
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The AR15 sold to civilians isn't a weapon of war... Military weapons have a fire selection. Singkenfire, burst, and full auto. The AR15 we can buy are hunting rifles made to look like military rifles. The people screaming about the AR15 are dangerously ignorant on firearms in general.

Norman347 Level 5 Oct 24, 2019

Nobody ever invented a gun for hunting or marksmanship... always been the Military Use.

6.5 mm creedmoore was designed for long range target practice. Several others weren't designed for war either. When did you hear of anyone using a 2.7mm in war?


@TheGreatShadow those are bullet calibers.... oh the Ignorance of the Ammosexual has no limits in ameriKKKa.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Bullets need a firearm to fire them (and don't say something like what happens if thrown in a fire). Unlike a 357 can fire a 357 or 38 special or a 5.56 can fire a 223, this had a specific rifle to fire it. Won't work in any other 6.5mm. Also explain the 2.7mm. The pistol is about the size of a silver dollar. What war were they designed for?

False. Do some research before speaking on this.

You are way out of your element. This is why people who know nothing about fire arms need to stay out of the gun rights/regulation debate. Your ignorant outrage only serves to harm the cause of implementing sensible reforms.

@RoboGraham I am not looking for sensible reforms... implementing sensible reforms is what got us were we are now... Hostages by ammosexuals like you. Why do I need a gun when I can strangle you?

@GipsyOfNewSpain You are not looking for sensible reforms because you are not sensible. You think that prohibition will solve this. How well has prohibition worked for drug abuse?

What got us here is the domination of the gun debate by right wingers. They are able to dominate because, in comparison to clueless people like you, they seem like the sensible ones. They are able to get moderates on their side because your advocacy for a total gun ban forces us lawful responsible gun owners onto their side. Their is a reasonable middle ground and you are making it more difficult to get to it.

If you don't want a gun, don't own one. I'd advise you not to try and straggle me because I have made the opposite choice.

Robecology Level 9 Oct 14, 2019

Words matter and everyone uses words to justify or change a prevailing norm.

JackPedigo Level 9 Oct 14, 2019

I'm not so sure the average person needs to own an AR-15. For some reason idiot people think a weapon like this is needed to fight off tyranny. In the movies there is always some guy who opens a secret door and reveals an arsenal. In real life you would take the weapons of the oppressor as you went along.

DenoPenno Level 9 Oct 14, 2019

I get a lot of "they are good for self protection". Most shootings used in self-defence are between 3-21'. Good chance if you use a rifle of any type (except maybe a SBR) there is a good chance they could take it from you.

Read history and the Constitution.... It sounds like you have no knowledge of either.

Wouldn't you rather be armed in the first place? How do you take the weapons from the oppressors if they are armed and you are not? I think guerilla fighters all around the world would beg to differ about the usefulness of a light intermediate semi-auto rifle in fighting tyranny.


Only for Murder .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 14, 2019
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