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Here's one for you, I got this from MSN today.

NRA spent more than 6 times as much on digital ads after the Parkland shooting than it did in the weeks before it. Its average daily spend in the 24 days before Parkland was $11,300, according to Pathmatics. In the 24 days after its silent period, that average jumped to $47,300.

MikeFlora 7 Mar 23
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The greed and callousness hurts.

kmdskit3 Level 8 Mar 23, 2018

Okay, of course. They got the Money.


Wouldn't it be nice if all the ads trying to defend the indefensible would lead to their bankruptcy!

JackPedigo Level 9 Mar 23, 2018

What kind of people, after a mass shooting, have as there first thought, "Damn, we need to develop a PR stunt to make sure it doesn't effect our profits"

Rudy1962 Level 9 Mar 23, 2018

That'd be the democratic senators who used the kids as a PR stunt to up their chances at reelection.

To be fair. I think you can use kids as advertising material every day of the week as long as it doesn't break any laws.

Kids are always more susceptible to indoctrination than adults.

@Lancer bullshit. More propaganda on your part. It is obvious these kids are doing this on their own

Yeah, cause 15 year olds can book and drive coaches to the location, set up the temporary stages, hook up the microphones, speakers, lights, etc. The media being there hours before the kids arrive is just coincidence.

I'm sure that's not organised by any adults at all. All the kids are lying about their teachers taking them to rallies.

Also this is a fact. Children are more accepting of indoctrination. You can't call that propaganda because it is a fact. If I told you that the sky is blue because it is a reflection of the water then you would say bullshit and google it. A kid would say "that makes sense".

These children are being used, plain and simple. It doesn't require a lot of intelligence to go "Hm, whatever happened to those sheriff's deputies who waited outside? Or the police who went to the home 20-30 times in the months before the incident? Or the foster mother who called the police about the shooter putting a gun to her sons head?

Forget facts, we want gun control. That is the agenda: gun control over facts, logic and justice.

I personally don't mind, I wish the NRA thought about using kids like this in the past. But the problem is, no one cares about kids being saved by good people with guns. They only care about bad people killing kids with guns.

@Lancer Strawman argument. Obviously people are assisting them with the logistics but they are speaking their minds. Don't waste my time with "facts" on gun control. The facts are ready available...America highest per capita guns...Most mass shootings..Mass shootings have increased since appeal of assault rifle band.. politicians being paid off by NRA.....Shit..You already won by baiting me into this useless argument. Troll on

I'm not denying the kids their opinions. I just wonder why I didn't get a stage, bus trip to the city center, audiences, etc. Just for having an opinion on knives when a woman attacked my schools kindergarten with a kitchen knife.

But hey, if you're anti-gun then you're the one they want to speak huh?

That CNN town hall, these walk outs. They're all stunts that were orchestrated by the democrats and after seeing that photo of Hillary with Sheriff Israel, I wonder. Did the sheriff's deputies wait outside because they were ordered to? Was this whole thing Hillary's plan to get back at Trump? As we all know, she's a very narcissistic woman who has allowed American's to die before without trying to help them. How much further would she have to go to kill indirectly?


The silent period was 4 days after the shooting

MikeFlora Level 7 Mar 23, 2018
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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

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Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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