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Awoken this morning by an active shooter alert. This is a developing story. It makes me wonder, yet again, when our government will finally #dosomething ? 😔😔😔

Multiple Victims, Southern California High School Shooting

SeaGreenEyez 9 Nov 14
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Until we remove every worthless repub, nothing will be done!

Well said... I live for the day of nra being outlawed


Govt will do nothing.... in the pocket of the nra. I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THE "SO CALLED RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERS AMMOSEXUALS". There will always be a work around, a loophole, an another means to obtain possession of a gun. Legal or not Legal Way... not relevant. Remove guns from all CIVILIANS

Look up violent crime rates in the us and the UK. It is so hard to get a firearm there most police officers don't have one. They use knives.

Taking away all firearms from all civilians is bs. The suicide rate for soldiers is over 20 a day.

What will I use to get a deer? Bow hunting sucks, so I guess I'm left with a knife or a stick.

@TheGreatShadow Why you want to murder a deer? See my point?

@GipsyOfNewSpain are you vegan?

@TheGreatShadow You did not answered my question. You proved my point... Thank You.

@GipsyOfNewSpain you never answered mine. I kill deer for food.

Not trying to be a jerk or anything.

@TheGreatShadow I eat meat... I love beef... I don't kill animals for sport and then reward me of a meal of what I kill for sport. Never had deer on my life. I guess I never will. Your inability to subsistance yourself should not be an alabi or a burden upon us or explain for the victims of gun violence. The math is that simple... Fuck the Second Amendment.


Fuck the first and forth ammendment. Someone get the cuffs and open up that dungeon.

Crime? Trial? We don't need no stinking trials.

Slippery slope.

"There will always be a work around, a loophole, an another means to obtain possession of a gun. Legal or not Legal Way..." If there will always be a way to get a gun, legal or not, what good will confiscating all the guns from citizens do? The vast majority of whom are peaceful law abiding folks.


2,300 students!!! Probably small as far as schools go (ours is K-12 and has 230 students). There is a virus going around spawned by anger, frustration, lack of vision for the future and on and on. Add thousands of teens with their changing hormones and immature brains and this is what one gets. It seems the only way to control this is to make schools into a dictatorship. It must be an impossible task for school staff these days.

JackPedigo Level 9 Nov 14, 2019

Anything that you can suggest that is not already a current law that would have prevented this?

I have advocated for full searches of all students as they enter schools. No one wants this but without it, the student sitting next to your child could be the next internet sensation mass murderer and your child dead.

Make security at schools as tight as at airports.

Anything less is farting in the breeze.

moosepucky Level 7 Nov 14, 2019

How about the removal of all guns in civiian hands... the melting of all guns collected.


I have lost loved ones to gun violence. I do not support the current gun regulation system.

Destroying all guns is just as much a possibility as ending all religions.

You can now digitally "print" a working gun on a 3D printer. You would have to eliminate the internet and everyone's phone and computer to stop that.

Guns are just as much a reality as hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes. There is the same possibility of stopping natural disasters as there is at eliminating guns.

I have always supported a switch to federal gun laws from the patchwork of state and local laws that are now the norm.

The constitution allows guns and as such it should be the responsibility of the federal government to regulate them with plain and simple federal laws. There is no parole with federal crime.

  1. anyone in posession of a stolen guns faces a term of 25 years per gun. A car load of people with 4 stolen guns will garner 100 years for each occupant.

  2. commit a crime with a gun get 25 years. Stolen gun? Add 25 years

  3. commit a crime with a gun and discharge it, 50 years. Stolen gun? Add 25 years

  4. commit a crime with a gun, discharge it and strike another, 75 years. Cause a death and double time to 150 years.

Turn existing closed military bases into federal gun prisons.

People who use guns to intimidate and harm others need to be removed from society.

I think security that tight will interfere with the education process. Seems to me that the way to handle this crisis is to get at the root of it, attack the motive of it. If we did a better job of providing support and treatment for people in emotional turmoil, fewer people would reach a state of mind so dark that they feel the only solution is to end it with an eruption of violence. If society were more egalitarian, fewer people would get to that extreme level of anger and depression. Security and regulation are important but I think the way to truly tackle this problem will be to focus on improving mental health.


So, monitor everyone's email, text messages, social media surfing, phone calls? Have eavesdropping devices and cameras planted everywhere to hear and evaluate every conversation? Implant tracking and eavesdropping devices in everyone?

Spy on 300 million people to identify and stop a dozen crazies?

No, check children for firearms as they enter schools. Problem solved

@moosepucky What? No. Why would you do any of that?

What's to stop the shooter from shooting the person doing the checking and entering the school anyway?


If you do not monitor everyone how will you find the few crazies?

All schools have(or will soon have) armed security.

I believe it would be better to have a "massacre" start OUTSIDE of the school grounds than in a classroom full of children.

As the secret service knows all too well, there is no way to stop a lone madman who is focused on murder. There are at least 6 lone gunman who have gotten close enough to the president to fire and strike. Three presidents have been killed, the others wounded. Presidential security is far stronger than any school could be.

Keeping distance between someone set on murder is about all that can be hoped for.

Using retired, obsolete systems like walkthrough metal detectors and bag scanners will STOP school shootings that occur on grounds. Nothing will stop random drive by shootings.

If you think "removing guns" will work just take a look at how successful prohibition and the "war on drugs" were. All they accomplished was to make petty thieves and thugs millionaires

Might as well take Nancy's slogan and apply it to guns "just say no"

@moosepucky Prohibition is a horrible idea. I make that argument all the time. It didn't work for drug abuse, it won't work for this. All it will do is take away guns from responsible people and put the industry in the hands of criminals as you stated.

I'm not at all in favor of monitoring everyone. I'm arguing that, if we make mental healthcare more accessable and create a more fair and supportive society, fewer people will become do desperate and angry that they decide to commit suicide by going on a rampage. It won't completely stop it of course but there is no solution that will.

I think you are right that less damage will be done if the shooting starts at the door. Still I believe that putting those sorts of security masseurs in place will be time consuming and will create an environment that will be detrimental to the learning process. I'd rather schools function as best as possible than sacrifice the quality of education for security.


All school shootings can be tied directly to social media. This is what is driving the mental health issue.

Just like with airports, court houses, and jails, the only way to stop guns is with checks. Schools are no different than these other buildings that require security and safety.

I know many parents who wish their children did not have to go to public schools. For safety as well as curriculum.

Having children enter at one point through a metal detector is far less disturbing than "random active shooter drills"

@moosepucky School shootings began happening before social media.

When I was in high school, I had a pacemaker. So, if these kinds of security measures were in place, I would have had to be pat down by hand everyday just to get through the door. That's a bridge too far. The solution to this will be inclusivity, not security.

@RoboGraham I hope so.

Teaching children to be afraid is not the solution.

I remember nuclear war drills in school.

@moosepucky For sure. Ultimately, it's the fault of adults for allowing children access to fire arms. If all gun owners were responsible, this wouldn't be happening.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

Posted by TejasAnti trump pistol. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!

Posted by Tejas

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Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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