4 7

Yesterday was beyond words. There were 10 maybe 15 thousand people in Columbus and everything went off without a hitch. It was well thought out, it started in a park with a jumbo tron and 2 speaker stacks so everybody could see the kids in Fla. speak. They even had plastic shithouses and food vendors. The march started at 1:00 on a bridge and went about 4 blocks and hung a left for about another 3 or 4 blocks to the courthouse. I didn't see a single counter-protester anywhere, or anything out of hand anywhere. The police had the side streets blocked off and had a presence all along the way, but I didn't see them bother anybody at any point. There were a couple of speakers at the courthouse, everybody was waving signs and chanting along the way and having a real good time. It was cold, but it didn't seem to bother anybody. I'm 54 and have been to more concerts than I'll ever be able to remember, but the crowd yesterday was the smoothest crowd I've ever seen, and I was looking, in case there were ammosexuals were there to try to disrupt things. I didn't see a single disruption of any kind anywhere. I will remember yesterday for a long time. (actually my first bigtime protest) I took lots of pictures, but I'm having a hard time posting them, I've got them as far as my profile so far, so you can see them there.

MikeFlora 7 Mar 25
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The reason there were no "counter protestors" is because that's a left wing scare tactic. Most right wing or conservatives don't engage in scare tactics. Because we value freedom of speech, even if we disagree with the other people are saying.

We're just decent people.

Lancer Level 7 Mar 25, 2018


There was a sizable contingent of "counter-protestors" at the Phoenix March/rally. I spoke with a number of them. Some are decent folk, some are a bit "conspiracy-theory" minded, some are raving nuts. Not sure what group you belong in. A bit delusional, no doubt, & deliberately misleading, but possibly not a total nut-case even tho you are a visitor from the "Conservative" group.

There's nothing delusional about not trusting strangers just because they wear suits and sit in congress is there?

I guess you trust strangers every day right? Do you trust strangers with your kids? Your car? Hell, your money?

Not trusting the government is natural and is a sign of intelligence.

Also any "counter protesters" who were pro gun probably didn't threaten people, they didn't cover their faces wearing black and punching or kicking the protesters right? Because those are left wing extremism tactics.

How long will it take for you guys to realize that the government is just using you to disarm everyone? First it'll be rifles, then shotguns, then pistols, then your right to self defense.

Don't turn yourselves into victims like Australia, reject their lies, educate yourselves. Ever heard of the American Revolution? It's an example of armed people banding together and fighting so that their children could live free of tyranny at the hands of the British.

@Lancer Yes, I've heard of the American Revolution, & I'll fight against either the government or alt-rights like you if I have to. "You need weapons" you'd say! I'll take 'em from you fools if needed! I won't put up with the tyranny of the alt-right, whether they try to claim "agnosticism" or not! You march hand in hand with the evangelicals, & you deserve each other!


So having a conversation about guns is extremism?
So we should lock up soldier right?
Hang on, lets lock up everyone who doesn't agree with your opinion, that'll be much better.

The Alt-right just hosts voluntary talks and guest speakers, how is that extremism?
Surely the 1st amendment allows for freedom of speech right? I guess not.

You're trying to demonize gun owners as criminals. If you want to stop tyranny then get the troops back from over seas. Stop invading foreign lands. Stop exporting your liberal left wing extremism to Europe, Britain, Australia, China, etc. Stop the spread of this victim culture. I don't want you to turn my country into a bunch of victims but I didn't get a say in that.

Now I'm just told to shut up and be thankful that my predecessors decided that I should be a victim for me. That I should worry about being robbed at gunpoint by criminals in the street, that I should be thankful for being a victim.

Hell no, I reject this victim culture. If those kids in Florida wanted to live then they needed to fight. The ONLY way to live is to fight. So rather than trying to disarm the citizens and soften them up for criminals, try strengthening and empowering them by training them safely and arming them.


I smell Troll, again.

Troll and Truth can be confusing at times, just try not to confuse them with each other in the future.

Lancer the liberals are obcessed with gun control. We conservatives might as well ignore the smucks as they are just as obcessed with gun control as the religious nuts are with religion.

They’re not going to get anything done anyway, at least not as long as Trump is president. The conservatives will win seats in the senate this fall as there are 20 democrats up for re-election this fall, many of them in states that Trump carried handily and only 10 republicans up for re-election.

@Lancer please don't Gun me down, please Troll dont.

If I was to throw anything your way it'd be a dictionary and a grammar book. If you can't even put together a simple sentence then I seriously doubt you could put together a cohesive and intelligent argument for excessive gun control.

@Lancer the old Troll at it again... don't shoot me down ameriKKKan troll dont, please don't Troll.

We are Smelling Troll, too scared to show face.


Again. Insulting others doesn't improve your argument. I guess they didn't teach you that in school.

Also for the record I only fear 1 thing and that is a camel spider due to the way they kill their prey. There is no human being on Earth that I fear.


Thank you for representing...

Donna Level 6 Mar 25, 2018

Check out pics online from your local newspaper or TV station. That's where I got mine for the Phoenix March!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 25, 2018

I took a bunch, you can see them on the FB version of this group

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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