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Who Profits in ameriKKKa from Gun Violence?

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Dec 16
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Stats show blacks do commit more murders but it is black on black grime. It's not blacks, immigrants-legal or not- or other people of color shooting up schools, churches and malls but crazy white men. If you think you need to have a gun because you fear your government you clearly do not understand tanks, but then white folk wanting guns at the rate they do never made much sense to me.


No offensense, but this is the dumbest post I read on here. It's the people that commit the crime. SMH

Not having the GUTS to show your face here is the most COWARDLY act that I see here... No Offense back at ya. Let me help you out...

I'm not even sure that I understand what this is getting at. Of course the victims who suffer from the problem aren't the problem. Is it trying to say that fire arms manufacturers are the problem? Why is a man pointing a pistol at a child?

To your point, it's not their fault that people use their products irresponsibly. We don't blame drunk driving deaths on vehicle manufactures. It's certainly not the victims fault, it's the person who decided to break the law.


No kidding

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 16, 2019

No one listens to racists.... Hello?


NRA tell stories about Hansel and Gretel to school kids. Then sells a gun to make you feel safer, bs.

if everyone has a gun, its high noon all over again.


Of course the gun industry and all the politicians who get lobby money from the industry/NRA.

JackPedigo Level 9 Dec 16, 2019
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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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