4 6

Time to start courting candidates, we need to see who can stay and who has to go. They are going to be ramping campaigns up about now. Personally, I think every Republican needs to go, since they showed, all they care about is their party and money, by telling almost three million people "We don't care who you voted for, we're going to put Trump in the Whitehouse anyway". This country was founded on the principal of Gov't of the people, by the people, for the people. Republicans ain't people, time for them to go. But that's just me,everybody needs to make up their own mind, we all are entitled to our own opinion and to vote the way we choose. The important part is to vote. It's not fair to bitch about Gov't if you didn't vote. We need Gov't that will keep us safe and employed and not worry about what we do in the privacy of our own homes or try to tell women what to do with their body.

MikeFlora 7 Apr 18
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I haven't read all your post but the beginning is great!!!!!! Now I'll read the rest!

busterboy Level 5 Apr 20, 2018

I have,t read all you

busterboy Level 5 Apr 20, 2018

I believe there are moderate Republicans but they are slowly being kicked out of the party. I hate the idea of voting one party because the Democrats too have extremists. It is a conundrum and, unfortunately, we need to send the conservatives a message that their brand of extremism and loyalty.

JackPedigo Level 9 Apr 19, 2018

There is no definitive answer here. The republican party could have put country before party and let their people in the electoral college change their vote to reflect the popular vote and put Clinton in the Whitehouse. The person the majority of the people who voted wanted, instead they thumbed their nose at what this country was founded on Gov't of the people, for the people, by the people. Isn't that about the worst thing a political party can do in this country, go against the very thing the country was founded on. I don't think you can pick and choose here all republicans must go. If I(god forbid) was a republican, I would have left the party after that., but that's just my opinion.

@MikeFlora True, it is almost impossible to find a republican that one can trust not to back their party totally. One thing I have seen in the current trend for many countries to back conservative leaders is the subject of immigration. By, for and of the people see their rights and jobs going to outsiders and they are mad. This is not a judgement call but an observation. I saw the same thing when the wall went down in Germany (I was living there). When the E. Germans fled to the West they saw all the low skilled jobs being taken by foreigners mainly Turks. Rioting and violence broke out. In France, especially Paris, a number of years ago it was the N. African 2nd generation that rioted because they felt they were the left behind group (they were and are in most countries). Immigration is a complex issue and too many try to simplify it. The republican party is feeding off the anger of people and we end up with tRumps and his ilk.

@JackPedigo 12 million out of over 300 million is about 3%. How about we worry about the other 97%. Just how many jobs and resources can 3% actually use up anyway.

@MikeFlora As I have said many times before we love to simplify this issue. It is wrong and dangerous. Here is a recent video from an organization I support.

And be careful before branding people who think we seriously need a discussion on limiting immigration as being racists. It is a serious environmental problem.

Here is hoping we can run that POS Ted Cruz out of town: []

wowspring Level 6 Apr 18, 2018

among others

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

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