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It's the same shit every time. First it's about the term "assault weapon". Then it's I'm taking guns away from law abiding citizens who are just trying to protect their families(from what?) Despite the fact that there are hundreds of other types of guns available. Assault weapons are only used in !% of crimes, is where it usually goes next, even though I have said 100 times it's not about crime, it's about mass shootings. Next round is cars kill people we should ban cars and anything else that kills people, just not guns. About now is when the 2nd amendment pops up ands gives everybody the right to own as many guns as they want. I usually say if the founding fathers had wanted everybody to have as many guns as they want the 2nd amendment would have just said "The right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed' saying anything else beyond that means the founding fathers had some limitations in mind(it would have been nice if they would have explained it a little better). The end is something about the assault weapons ban is a front and I really just want to take everybody's guns and repeal the 2nd amendment, and it's brought to you by the folks at the NRA and that Ridiculous fool and his merry band of idiots in the Whitehouse. That's why some of these guys won't give up a single bullet. Trump and the NRA are saying the assault weapons is a ploy, and we really intend to take all guns away and repeal the 2nd amendment. I could not understand why they were so adamant about not giving up anything and where did all the hate come from. We have all seen them come out of the gate mad as hell. It's because Trump and the NRA have convinced some of these people to not believe a word we say because, the assault weapons ban is a cover and we're going to take everybody's guns and repeal the 2nd amendment.

MikeFlora 7 Apr 29
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Don't waste time trying to convert them, educate them, or de-radicalize them. There is only ONE solution - the ballot box in November. Sweep Republicans out of office at every level. Make them understand they are in a small minority and they are alone.
\When Democrats vote, Democrats win.


You are speaking to the non-choir!

JackPedigo Level 9 Apr 29, 2018

Their arguments are false and are a reaction of the anger and fear instilled in them by the gun lobby. You will never convince the brainwashed. Don't waste your time trying.

But we can vote out politicians who support the gun lobby and donate to the organizations that support sensible gun control.

dare2dream Level 7 Apr 29, 2018

I agree, it does get old, especially when you can rebut every argument they have. BUT, being loud and stupid and stubborn doesn't make them right.

nvrnuff Level 8 Apr 29, 2018
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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

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Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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