9 5

We have some trolls, that artmesdevine and lancer, regardless of what they say, we cannot attack them directly. Not my rule, website says so. There has been some talk in the senate about hate groups and attacking other members directly. This whole website is public domain, so if people come here with different views and don't attack members or the group, we can't attack them, everybody has the right to their opinion. We don't have to like it, but we do have to respect it.

MikeFlora 7 May 7
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Civil discussions do not include name-calling. I want reasonable gun control. I want real counselors in schools. I want anything that can shoot more than 5 or 6 times regulated to military and police use. I do not want to take away the guns of law-abiding citizens. I do want America to start making a profit on something other than guns. I personally believe the NRA's main function is to sell more guns and they are enormously successful. I will never carry a gun but I will never avoid living my life because of fear. Many criminals Target their burglaries to places they think have guns. I make sure everyone knows I don't have any. But I do have Ricky and and every muscle of his 85 lb body would go into action to protect me if needed. Despite that he'll let little kids ride him. I did not get him for protection it just turned out that way.

Lorajay Level 9 May 8, 2018

I'm guessing Ricky is a big dog, I used the tern troll for the conversation everybody knows what a troll is.


Very well said. We may not agree on some issues, we may agree on others. But the freedom to express these opinions is what allows us to engage in discussions to share ideas.

Also I just wanted to state that calling people trolls when their opinions differ from yours is not accurate.

I've supported my points and provided multiple instances where other people were not as informed. I've conceded points when I'm wrong but I will not concede my stance on gun control. Because a society that asks to become victims is not the society I want to live in.

Mainly because I live in that type of society now. Where I'm just a disarmed victim, ready to be robbed.

Lancer Level 7 May 8, 2018

I think trolls refers to people who deliberately go places and say stuff to stir shit up

Why are you a disarmed victim? Are you actively being held at gunpoint?? Why are you living your life waiting to be robbed? If you are concerned, there are a million preemptive strategies you could employ. Bear spray, wasp spray, bats, alarms, locks, security, training, neighborhood watch.

I choose not to be armed...but I can't say I'm just hanging around waiting to be robbed.

Also, presenting different opinions doesn't make you a troll... But joining a group that you know disagrees with your fundamental beliefs so you can challenge or antagonize others does.

Fair enough.

I'm disarmed because it's illegal to carry any form of weapon, including a baton, knife, pepper spray, baseball bat, etc for self defense. It's illegal to wear a bullet proof vest.

My friend was robbed at gun point and many of my friends plus my sister have been assaulted or robbed by criminals in the past. And we live in the nice neighborhoods.

We have alarms and locks but they just smash the windows or drill through the locks, it's not rocket science.

I'm not waiting to get robbed either. It's just not safe to stay out late at a bar or club anymore with these criminals waiting to gang bash or rape people on the trains, in the city, in the parks, etc.

Also I'm not against gun control. I'm against disarming the law abiding citizens. I don't want your old people to be bashed in the streets or your women raped by foreigners. Is that so wrong?

Arming the weak allows them to defend themselves against multiple attackers.

Also again. I joined this group to see what arguments there were for gun control. To discuss gun control, not go against it.

I think gun control is very effective at stopping law abiding citizens from committing offenses but not effective at all when it comes to stopping criminals. In Australia the government fiddles with the crime statistics all the time so they can show what they want. We still have shootings in AUS as much as other people don't want to believe it.

@Lancer Gun Control is one thing, self defense is another. That's just wrong, and why in the hell is wearing a bullet proof vest illegal. I think you guys need to do what I'm trying to do only in the other direction, your bound to get enough backing to restore some kind of self defense. You guy's are just live feeding like they do at the zoo.


s a wake up lesson in the fact some people think differently than we.

It is, and we have to live and let live. Everybody is entitled to their opinion.

@MikeFlora I would say to a point. When it becomes advocating violence, racism or some other dangerous ideas we need to step away.

@JackPedigo true


You can see what is going on by the new groups in the communities. I have not been in it, but I know the abuse the Christians take.The Christians have or had their own room they added. I see other rooms. If they don't feel comfortable, they just make a group where they can.


If they want to be civil, fine. If they want to be rude, childish and hateful, they are going to have to deal with the consequences, I'm nobody's whipping boy.

nvrnuff Level 8 May 7, 2018

Exactly! I won't start shit, but I won't eat it either!


I don't have a problem with them being here. I can ignore or block it leave the group..but I also have no problem calling them out on their antics or letting them know why they are being met with opposion. They are antagonists.


OK Mike


I don’t get ornery until they call me snowflake. Differing opinions are fine. I would love to debate policy with an intelligent person of another opinion. I have found I can be civil exactly one sentence longer than them.


Had some dealings with lancer.

nvrnuff Level 8 May 7, 2018
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