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Question: ammosexuals always talk about protecting their families, and that's why they need as many weapons as possible. Just exactly what are they protecting their family from. I'm 54 and king back to all the places I have lived and I don't ever remember feeling that I needed to worry about protecting myself.

Is there a real need for protection that I'm not seeing?

MikeFlora 7 May 9
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In all my years I never have needed to shoot anyone.

After talking with gun nuts I came away thinking they are all scaredy-cats. They are afraid of home invaders lurking outside their door, communists hiding under their bed and even their own government killing them. They suffer from cognitive dissonance. They are delusional cowards.

I think it gives some people purpose. I got my gun and I'm protecting my family, even if there is no credible threat

@MikeFlora : Ha! I think that is a pretty empty purpose. But you are probably right. 🙂


If the average guy does confront a bad guy in his house and uses his gun and kills the bad guy, what does that do to average guy, killing somebody in his house, and having to walk by the spot where bad guy died everyday? I don't think I could live in a house where I shot someone, and watched them bleed out on my floor.

MikeFlora Level 7 May 9, 2018

If the average guy does confront a bad guy in his house it is already too late. The bad guy already has the drop on you. An assault weapon is useless.


It was once shown that if one has a gun in the house and especially if that is known (many actually put signs on their property advertising this as a way to scare people off) that the chances of getting broken into increase. The most valuable thing a person owns is often a weapon which is registered to them and not the other party.
All this protection stuff is bs. My brother, once an 'avowed' environmentalist who was concerned about gas millage went right out and bought a big SUV when he had a child. The 'family' needed more room. Never mind the fact that when growing up a family with 6 kids only had 1 Rambler station wagon.


Violent crime is at historic lows in the US. So all they are saying is they are ignorant, cowardly, and immature.

Druvius Level 8 May 9, 2018

As populations increase, criminal activity and crime rates increase. Hence why some people who are less fortunate that most of us live in ghettos surrounded by thugs, drugs and homicidal maniacs. The police can't protect them so they have to protect themselves.

Lancer Level 7 May 9, 2018

I don't argue this point, some people live in a higher crime area than others. Does having a firearm really help keep them safe? Or do guns make them a target? Does the average person have what it takes to point a gun at another person and pull the trigger if necessary?

It does keep them safe. They're already targets as far as the criminals are concerned.

If the person has the gun, odds are they realise the might have to use it to protect themselves and their families.

It's a basic law of nature.

@Lancer I don't agree, I don't think you can know what you would do in that situation until you're in it and then it's to late. We aren't natural born killers, it has to be learned or forced, and I don't think some people can be forced or hold their nerve long enough to hit what they are shooting at. I think it makes some people feel safe, I don't think it necessarily makes them safe.

"We aren't natural born killers?"

Human history disagrees. With the number of wars we've fought, criminals we've had and civilians we've killed as a species. I'd say killing is damn near what makes us human. It's the only thing we have in common with each other in this world. Sure you might not like to accept it but that's the way it is.

@Lancer As a group most definitely, individually not so much.

Fair enough. But we all have the potential to be killers. No law will ever be able to stop that.

That's an interesting point that I've often had myself. As the human race becomes more and more overpopulated it seems we are becoming more and more aggressive and violent. I wonder if there's a connection there. Seems scary to think that the human race is going to wind up like a bunch of chickens that need to be de beaked to keep us from pecking each other to death.

It's a form of population control and also works well to distract and oppress the working class. The Australian government releases criminals who steal cars, invade homes, etc. if they are below the age of 18 and don't even arrest them when they miss their court hearings. It's a method of ensuring these crimes continue to keep the working class focused on their day to day security rather than paying attention to government decisions and corruption.

They say they can't do anything since the offenders are children but in reality it is a terrorist tactic. Spreading fear and terror throughout the streets of Melbourne, Sydney and Perth. Ironically where a bunch of African and Middle Eastern refugees were "re-settled" but that must just be a coincidence. Jut like the fact that Africans stab 14 year old boys in their face, rob liquor stores during the middle of the day, attack pedestrians out in the city having a few drinks at night. And that's just my city, Melbourne and Sydney are much worse off.

The powerful want to oppress and distract the working class. It's this kind of shit that makes us mad. A father was arrested for accidentally killing a man who broke into his home and was outside his daughters room at 2:00 am. Now if you arrest the law abiding citizens then you're going to get a revolt. Law abiding citizens are now becoming vigilantes, baseball bat and knife sales have increased a lot in the last few years. The police recognize this threat too, they are powerless to stop it because if they actually try to intervene they're called racist, oppressive, bigots, etc.


@Lancer As the world becomes more overpopulated wars and criminal activity will become more commonplace and the need to protect yourself will become more important. The gun will be the best tool to do so as it allows a weaker person to hold off a stronger one. Here in the US were still allowed to own a gun for self defence. In a lot of other places in the world guns are severely restricted or forbidden so you are at the mercy of the mentually Disturbed and criminals. I live in the country myself and I’m tired of criminals stealing my property and I intend on trying to stop it. The police very seldom show up to stop a crime. They just show up afterwards to try to solve it and prevent more crimes. Hell most of the time on stolen property they don’t even make much of an attempt to solve it as they are to busy with more serious crimes.

You're right. As they say, when seconds count the police are minutes away. I appreciate the police and understand that they're generally overworked or underfunded in some police departments. Couple that with a few bad corrupt cops and the situation doesn't look like it'll be getting any better any time soon. Especially with the criminals getting more confident in their crimes.


Only good people with guns can shoot bad guys with guns. Duh!

Dingodog Level 7 May 9, 2018

Which ones are the good guys, and which ones are the bad guys?

@MikeFlora sarcasm


Exactly. White paranoia. According to FBI statistics 80% of the time a gun is fired the one pulling the trigger knows who is being aimed at. The horde of godless dark folks coming for their women and children are a myth.

kmdskit3 Level 8 May 9, 2018

From themselves?

gigihein Level 8 May 9, 2018
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