7 2

That kid in Texas that shot those kids was supposed to commit suicide after he was done and said he lost his nerve. He did commit suicide, just slow, he'll be on death row in a year and get a needle in his arm in about 10 or 15 years.

MikeFlora 7 May 20
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I once reqad a detailed report on gun violence (by Germans). One thing that struck me was the connection with capital punishment and violence in a community. With low violence levels, like in Europe, there is no pressure for capital punishment. In a country, like ours, the violence level is through the roof and there is a lot of public demands to do something strong. Capital punishment appeals to the frustration level of the public, including myself.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 21, 2018

I've never understood capital punishment. It hadn't been shown to be a real deterrent for crime which begs the question: why do kill people who kill people to show people that killing people is wrong?

@AdorkableMe Sometimes we need closure. We should also send a message that if you disregard life your's will be next. As far as the deterrent goes, how many convicts led authorities (the Green River murderer for one) to more killings and graves instead of facing a death sentence. As I said sometimes a society feels they need to take action in the face of extreme violence. Besides we kill lots of people including innocents. We call it war. Why not war on serial or sadistic killers. My late partner even felt more strongly than I. She felt serial rapists should be executed.


How things change. I took my Hunter's Safety class when I was nine I think or 12, as soon as one could anyway. We had shot guns and rifles and shells and bullets rolling around in several drawers at home. Never thought a thing about it. I remember one of my friends bringing his new shotguns to school to show a teacher who was an avid hunter. This wasn't a country school. There were 750 kids in my graduating class alone. I don't keep weapons at my house and never have. But, they're at my brother's and my parents house in safes. Class of 77. Aside; I am shocked, absolutely shocked and frightened by how many women in my profession are concealed carriers. They've been conned and frightened into believing they need to carry. I think it puts everyone, including them in peril.

Dingodog Level 7 May 21, 2018

Out of curiosity, what is your line of work?

@AdorkableMe real estate broker.


After millions of tax payer dollars are spent on legal fees I suppose.

Lancer Level 7 May 21, 2018

Exactly, death penalty gets appeal right off the bat, after 2or 3 trials and about 10 or 15 years he'll get the needle.

That's right! It costs taxpayers a lot more money in court costs alone to get an execution than it does a life sentence.


Whatever happens to Dimitrios will never bring back the people who are dead because of his actions. Seriously, I dislike that we label these white kids as mentally disturbed and all others are terrorists. I'm thinking in particular of the Boston Marathon bombers. I think that rage issues are something different and rage issues in teenage boys are a big issue and not mental health. Every single man who beats his wife and kids to near death or in some instances actual death are not labeled mentally ill. But change a scenario and add a gun and it's mental illness. I think the gun lobby is doing that to slow down gun laws and I for one will not buy into that use of the term mental illness. What do we know of his upbringing? What is is dad like? Follow that with did his parents know he had those guns. If they did then they too are culpable. If they didn't then why were they not locked in a gun cabinet, especially if there is someone under age living in the home?

Normal people don't do what this kid did, so there is some kind of crazy going on here. Parents should be held accountable if their kids commit a crime with their guns

@MikeFlora How about holding society at large accountable? We teach men and boys that they can take what they want by force, and that shooting people up is an acceptable form of revenge (aka tantrum).Of course, that's not even getting into the fact that there are guns literally lying in the street waiting for people to pick them up.

@ejbman I so agree with you. I worked in the DV field for quite a few years. You are right it is about rage and power or feeling as if you have power

@MikeFlora The day before the shootings he was a normal kid to a normal father that owned guns in his house.

@AmelieMatisse Absolutely. If there is a mental illness, we should call it something like Male Entitlement Syndrome. Makes me sick and disgusted. You take Male Entitlement Syndrome and combine it with guns everywhere. What could go wrong? Apparently, a new school shooting every damn week. Not to mention all the Domestic Violence we see in the mental health field. Sorry to rant at you. It's not your fault. I just can't stand this constant, unnecessary death of school children. It's unacceptable. Thank you for you work in the DV field. I'm sure it was tough. We need good people to help.

@ejbman we are all angry at what this country is becoming. I have no patience left. I understand your rant. I'm there too!


Point being????????

nvrnuff Level 8 May 20, 2018

He lost his nerve to commit suicide after shooting those people. Being in Texas, he will get the death penalty, and in 10 or 15 years he will be executed. So he did commit suicide it's just going to take awhile.


Personally, I would prefer he lived to a ripe, old age behind bars, never tasting freedom again, and having to think about what he did every day of his long life.

Truth is he needs psychological therapy. Yes and it is too little way too late.

The evil part of me does want revenge and that part of me agrees with you. He should be forced to have pictures of his victims with their families in happier times decorating his tiny cell walls.


And then again a blood sucking lawyer will claim he was 17 at the time of his act and not in full command of his faculties. He will outlive all of us and find jesus during the process.

He's in Texas, he'll get the needle

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

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Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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