Gun Control Now

Real gun and lethal weapon, control. Ban assault weapons large volume magazines and safer hand guns. This is not to ban all guns, and lethal weapons, but to promote more training and better background checks.

Real gun and lethal weapon, control. Ban assault weapons large volume magazines and safer hand guns. This is not to ban all guns, and lethal weapons, but to promote more training and better background checks.

Posts Tagged "god" By MikeFlora (276) Posts by anyone

Gun Control Now
Dec 18, 2023Dec 2023

Posted by Moravian
Fifteen year old given a gun by his grandfather and this is the result. When will you guys ever learn !!
Gun Control Now
Nov 18, 2023Nov 2023

Posted by TheoryNumber3
Is this the way the world ends? Not with a bang but an AK47? (A typical weekend in Chicago)
Gun Control Now
Apr 22, 2023Apr 2023

Posted by SeaGreenEyez
LINKMissouri man arrested for holding gun to grocery store worker’s throat while demanding steaks | The Independent
Gun Control Now
Apr 19, 2023Apr 2023

Posted by SeaGreenEyez
LINKGov. Kristi Noem Hits Anti-Gun Banks with Punishing Executive Order: 'I Won't Stand for It, Not in South Dakota'
Gun Control Now
Apr 16, 2023Apr 2023

Posted by SeaGreenEyez
162 mass shootings in 2023, thus far. 9 mass shootings yesterday. We've added a PSA to our gun violence tracking. It's become obvious that just keeping track isn't changing a thing in America, so we're told to included with the data, what the ...
Gun Control Now
Apr 11, 2023Apr 2023

Posted by Killtheskyfairy
Another day, another mass shooting…
Gun Control Now
Mar 29, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by SeaGreenEyez
Meidas Touch on gun violence and the ridiculous nonsense from the right re: gun violence. (Includes the brilliance of our first Gen Zer in Congress. From Florida's 10th District.) 👍👍👍👍
Gun Control Now
Feb 20, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by SeaGreenEyez
Yesterday I felt capable of cataloging some gun violence. There are currently 48 volunteers that do nothing but catalog after verification. I verified yesterday, so then those incidents go on to the data entry department. I thought I'd just drop in...
Gun Control Now
Jan 19, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by JackPedigo
I am a member for the Alliance for gun responsibility and they announced the gun manufacturer are marketing an AR-15 for kids. More proof money and morals are mutually exclusive.
Gun Control Now
Jun 16, 2022Jun 2022

Posted by chalupacabre
Texas AG Under Fire For Calling Massacre Of 19 Children In Uvalde God's 'Plan' Wonder if he will always equate the smell of gun powder with GOP burnt offerings
Aug 5, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by HankHunter13
OHIO SenatorSherrodBrown "Two years ago, a gunman opened fire in Dayton, killing nine people - all in only 32 seconds. Please take a moment to honor the victims. Megan Betts Monica Brickhouse Nicholas Cumer Derrick Fudge Lois ...
Gun Control Now
Jul 5, 2021Jul 2021

Posted by SeaGreenEyez
LINKAt least 150 people fatally shot in more than 400 shootings over the Fourth of July weekend - CNN
Gun Control Now
May 23, 2021May 2021

Posted by SeaGreenEyez
LINKTwenty killed and at least 74 injured in spate of shootings across US over the weekend | The Independent
Gun Control Now
Nov 16, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by GreatNani
Nothing worse than an active shooter drill with three year olds. Our school goes from Prek3 to 6th grade. The little ones dont understand and are scared. The older I get the more hopeless I feel.
Gun Control Now
Sep 20, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by GipsyOfNewSpain
Once again Assault Style Rifle was seen in the Scene.... Update on D.C. post. 2 killed, 7 wounded in the Capital.
Gun Control Now
Sep 6, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by MojoDave
More progress! Texas governor issues 8 executive orders in response to mass shooting
Gun Control Now
Sep 2, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by jerry99
This is the kind of idiot we have to deal with! I wonder what his response would be if some maniac went and shot up his family? Matt Schaefer @RepMattSchaefer “Do something!” is the statement we keep hearing. As an elected official with a ...
Gun Control Now
Sep 1, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by GipsyOfNewSpain
The Myth and Lie of "good tejano with a gun" been exposed and debunked in Odessa Tejas. Watching TV News... I hear the Excuses.... "Didn't knew the number of shooters", the usual "couldn't tell the location of the shooter"... the usual "It was ...
Gun Control Now
Aug 5, 2019Aug 2019

Posted by Tooreen
Jennifer Rubin: 'Latest speech on gun carnage was infuriating in its insincerity' Jennifer Rubin • 2 hours ago After stoking white nationalism, accusing a federal judge of being unfair because of his Mexican heritage, declaring there were some ...
Gun Control Now
Jun 18, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by SeaGreenEyez
LINK3 Dead, 5 Hurt in SoCal Edison Office Shooting: Fire Dept.
Gun Control Now
Jun 4, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by SeaGreenEyez
2nd Worst Mass Shooting in Australia 4 Dead, 1 Injured Only the 2nd mass shooting. The 1st and only until today was in 1996. The Port Arthur Massacre.
Gun Control Now
Apr 25, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by chalupacabre
Gov. Bevin Blames Teacher Sickouts For Child Being Shot The article didn't mention political affilliation, so I looked it up. Since teachers were the villians, not the ones who pulled the triggers, or laws coverings with triggers, I leaned...
Gun Control Now
Apr 24, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by GuyKeith
Reason 137 I don't go to church. God's Apostle
Gun Control Now
Apr 15, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by GipsyOfNewSpain
No Law can Protect Our Children... Not in ameriKKKa. How Many Examples We Fucking Need?
1 comment
Gun Control Now
Mar 1, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by SeaGreenEyez
Today's Mass Shooting Tracker March 1, 2019 Thru February 28, 2019 57 in 59 days Note the number of children/teens this year. The number of deaths under 16 is higher than any year previously at this early date. Another thing to note is the ...
1 comment

Photos 509 More

Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

Posted by TejasAnti trump pistol. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

  • Top tags#guns #NRA #video #laws #violence #guncontrol #massshooting #god #DonaldTrump #Police #children #world #religion #reason #Texas #hell #religious #friends #republicans #rights #death #vote #kids #Atheist #hope #USA #society #teachers #church #truth #florida #government #fear #money #belief #parents #atheism #conservative #sex #Christian #agnostic #earth #community #murder #schools #culture #evidence #youtube #Christians #wife ...

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