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This is Sacha. He chose me - I didn't choose him.

El-loco 7 May 16
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I just want to mention - SHE IS A HE!

I have said this before but he was born a feral cat near Tuscon Arizona but his mother wasn't so she took him and his siblings to live with a human family. My former neighbours were French and worked in IT in the US and they adopted him and gave him his name - which is a boy's name!

They then took him back to Paris and briefly to Germany before moving to the UK. Sacha has an EU pet passport (it expires in five days time because I haven't had his Rabies shot updated because we don't have Rabies in the UK) and both US and EU microchips. I'm not sure which chip my catflap recognises but it lets him in and out.

When my neighbours had their second sprog Sacha wouldn't go in their house - he doesn't like children. He started to come into my house and would eat anything I gave him - he is MUCH more fussy about his food now. He will eat grapes, watermelon, peas and grass (and, euch, slime out of the pond) but is not keen on meat. Not even freshly cooked roast chicken. Will eat prawns at a pinch. Eats the occasional mouse though. Seriously! I tell him: "You are an oblig

atory carnivore - you can't be vegetarian" - Then he started to object when I put him out at night in the hope he would go home. I made the mistake of not putting him out one night - bad mistake!

He is very intelligent for a cat. Has fixed ideas on when I should get up and has learned to duck. Taps my hand when he wants me to stroke him. He knows a lot of words and, strangely for a cat, will often do as he is told. If Lisa, Heather or Suzanna come round and I tell him to go and say hello to them he does it. OK, it's a half-hearted yowl at their feet but even so.

El-loco Level 7 May 17, 2018

Awwww ?

freckles Level 3 May 16, 2018

Wow, what a beauty!

dkp93 Level 8 May 16, 2018

Such beautiful pale blue eyes you have, Sacha.

OldGoat43 Level 9 May 16, 2018
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