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I have been struggling with my mental health lately and will be starting Intensive Outpatient therapy next week. I am not new to these types of therapies but I am curious about how others feel about it. Have you attended this type of therapy and how much did you feel it helped you?

Nofroglegs 3 Feb 22
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IF you don't mind, can you tell me what "intensive Outpatient therapy" actually is and what it entails? 😕

It's usually a concentrated therapy program you attend for a few hours a day a few times a week for a few weeks' time (usually 4-8 weeks, depending on the program). They offer various therapies, groups, workshops, medication management, whatever the particular program entails. It's outpatient because you're not hospitalized or in an in-patient mental health facility, you come in to attend from home and you go home at the end of each day. It can help people stabilize when dealing with a serious emotional situation and/or transitioning out of an in-patient facility, and also as a transition into individual therapy and returning to daily living.

@bleurowz thanks for the invaluable information. It is good to provide it for inquiring minds and for those that may need it. 🙂


Probably a stupid question, but have you had a complete physical check up recently? I have known several people who spent years, money, stress on "mental health problems" when they had vitamin deficiencies, blocked caratoid arteries, lupus, etc etc . Best wishes!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Feb 23, 2020

I was in an intensive outpatient program a few years ago for chronic depression, anxiety, and OCD. The program I was in followed the Dialectical Behavioral Therapy model which I found to be very helpful. It was very beneficial also being able to share and interact with other people dealing with their issues. All of it went a long way to help me feel better about myself and less alone. After the program was over, it was vital to transition to individual therapy to continue the healing process.

bleurowz Level 8 Feb 22, 2020

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Posted by AnnaledaI see there is not a lot of activity in this group.

Posted by of-the-mountainWhy has Zoology become so zoological??? Seems some want to revert too, what others might want too? I hope this is not condescending in any way!!! Just a condition maybe some can question???

Posted by AiveryThis sucks

Posted by pamb68Hang in there

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