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I knew those Republicans were going to be some cheating sons of bitches again.

The problem is, they pretend like Biden's stupidity & creepiness actually set him apart from other politicians, and they think that this election means they rightfully own the country, or something. Clearly, it doesn't.

DZhukovin 7 Dec 31
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Civil War 2 is going to be super deadly.

It already happened. Even the military doesn't support Trump, so his "re-run the election" bullshit is going to fail, too.

@DZhukovin You think the second civil war is over?


Well yes, since no one in that objective, universal sense wants to fight it. It's called being in the union, and with proper collective organization, we can fix a LOT in this country, and then worry about costly efforts abroad.

You see, the problem with the assumption that there IS a civil war in this country is that we all fail to see the kind of payoff equilibrium that is still pending for all of us. One might think of it in terms of one or two kinds of utility, but there are many utilities for each person-cluster. So that's why this whole "There is a second civil war" thing is bullshit. It's just in-house fighting between socio-economic clusters, and this is nothing like the first Civil War at all.

@DZhukovin Oh, we have major disconnect on this. I don't think the second civil war is over because I don't think it's begun yet.


Like I said before retrumplicans are scum bags.

t1nick Level 8 Dec 31, 2020

Trumpanzees ran a business I was holding up into the ground. Generally, they ruin everything. They're some annoying spastics, man.

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