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From the recent FBI warning, there is one thing that is evident: Conservatives, including the rest of the American Right, are using the Republican Party control-layer (Which includes armed conservatives) as a shell, are trying to install a fascist, faith-based, authoritarian government because they want to be able to come after anybody for anything.


DZhukovin 7 Jan 12
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Copy and share this list; it's an FBI visual list of outstanding warrants from January 6th Capitol invasion. I.D. if you know any of them; and call the number on the post.


Robecology Level 9 Jan 12, 2021

Yeah fine. The FBI asked me to come work with them, via e-mail. Seeing as I find the work intellectually uninteresting in comparison to my life already, and people generally treated me like shit, I could not take up the offer. Someone like me needs meds & counseling to retain his job, despite being very qualified and capable, because of combined anxiety & ADD, which I have been fighting for the past 15 years.

They probably already know I'd rather help with the effort on my end, what with social contract and all. To me, even if it isn't before God, I see no intelligence in making like otherwise.

The babies, old people, etc. ought to sleep well at night, and all else important. We suffer too much from those who forget the sensitivity, vulnerability and importance of what we already have, both living and not, in the United States along with why the natural, political organization of our country contributes to its oppressions, narrowness and toxicity.


@DZhukovin So the FBI has not been treating you with much respect, I gather?


Iā€™m not mad about it. But I do like my space. -D.Z.

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