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So, some time ago, I went to Tennessee. I remember I was with one of my younger sisters, my stepdad, and my mother. They had wanted to get some fast food from this place serving hotdogs, pizza, etc. . I fucking hate fast food, and I find it stupefyingly toxic, so I forget the name.

The lady working the register had darker skin, and a more "native american looking" appearance. Regardless of where she was actually from, you could tell by the eye that she wasn't from the same network of families as the other people, who all seemed to be from older western and northwestern european families. How well they were bred is something entirely different, but I could tell that they were lazy and somewhat childish in the mind just by looking at them, so there wasn't much to qualify them, really.

Now before I get to my MAIN point, every white person in the store seemed decent, and that entire store was just white people. They were cleanly dressed, were not loud, though they did seem very lazy, air-headed and simply-fixated. Some would not speak heedingly to each other, but seemed to just share words together, as if socializing through a kind of barrier. I see this everywhere else, but it never fails to turn my stomach.

This one female customer, a very fat, obviously very stupid person, walked up to the register and started speaking VERY harshly and commandingly to the lady behind the counter, and referred to the lady working the register as "girl", despite her being a full grown adult. The customer had given her such a bad dose of conversation, that it seemed to make her RUN to get her food, as if this stupid, childish bitch would die or something if she didn't have her 800 calories to go with her last 4,000 that she very comfortably ate for the day.

Nobody had tried to put the customer in her place beforehand, and no one would say anything to her. In fact, nobody seemed to have any reaction at all, except me, who had half a mind to give her an earful, though I had no words or really anything left in my tank.

...If such behavior isn't an example of a hosting of toxic hierarchies, then I don't know what is.

DZhukovin 7 Jan 24
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