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Okay, so these are the most recent official platforms of the Democratic, Libertarian, and Republican parties:




Where is each party getting the right idea, and where are they seeking the wrong thing?

Why might a reasoning person reject any up to all of these parties?

DZhukovin 7 July 6
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My politics tend to lean toward the left, or progressive, however the enemy wants to describe them, BUT remind you, the opposite of LEFTIST IS NOT RIGHTEOUS. I have never in my live voted a party ticket...the local newspaper publishes all the candidates that effect me, and their statements...(lies, and unfulfillable promises) and I usually select the ones who more closely match my sarcasm..then look at who has the largest ads, billboards, etc....and vote for their opponent. Small signs is an indication they have not yet been bought out by big business....

NormCastle Level 7 July 7, 2018

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