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A main thing I keep thinking is that in the coming years and decades, I am not sure if I will struggle to bring myself to view the defenders of President Trump as something other than fellow citizens who have done so much to harm the US Constitution and throw away the prestige and moral capital of the US.

Exclusive: Military leader of Syrian Kurds tells US 'you are leaving us to be slaughtered'
Barbara Starr-Profile-Image
By Barbara Starr and Ryan Browne, CNN
Updated 3:59 PM ET, Sat October 12, 2019

kmaz 7 Oct 12
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Posted by DZhukovin[prod-cdn-static.

Posted by johnnyrobish US Now Officially Has a Space Force and a Space Command While no one seems quite certain as to exactly what they will actually be doing, President Trump has signed into law America’s newest ...

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Posted by RenickulousGun control perspective

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