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Trump Claims Women Tell Him Dishwashers Don’t Work Right Anymore: President Trump continued addressing the great plumbing issues of our time during a recent Michigan rally, by telling followers that “women tell me” all the time about how they have to repeatedly run their dishwashers, because of the poor water pressure.

Well, one thing’s for sure - this is sure gonna make it rather difficult for all those damn libs to keep claiming Trump doesn’t pay any attention to the issues really important to women. And if you think this isn’t simply a women’s issue, then just ask yourselves - what self-respecting Republican male does his own damn dishes?

But all that aside, if this is only a water pressure issue - then why doesn’t Trump just share some of his prostate meds with the womenfolk? All they’d need to do is simply drop a few pills right into the machine along with their favorite detergent. Hell, that ought to get those old dishwashers flowing again - just like back in their heyday.


johnnyrobish 8 Dec 21
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