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I predict that our democratic system will not survive 2023 intact, because the Executive branch, regardless of whom is president, includes law enforcement, which has been infiltrated by the right wing, and are tacitly supported by the Legislative branch. The biggest problem we have in this country are the various law enforcement agencies who, by their nature and training, are inherently right wing and militant, and racist, and they, and some members of Congress have declared that "Antifa" were responsible for the insurrection and that Trump tried to mitigate the actions of the terrorists. In truth, "radical left wing Socialists" are virtually non-existent in this country. Because of our constant diet of lies and propaganda by our government, the under-educated rabble in this country equate Socialism with Countries like Nazi Germany or Venezuela. "Antifa", which was an organization created in Italy in the 1930s to resist Mussolini, and Hitler has been resurrected by the white supremacists like Trump and the Tea Party for propaganda purposes. They exist as an imaginary enemy of Trump and his cult of followers. "The English word antifa is a loanword from the German Antifa, where it is a shortened form of the word antifaschistisch ("anti-fascist" ) and a nickname of Antifaschistische Aktion (1932–1933), a short-lived group which inspired the wider antifa movement in Germany."

fishline79 7 Feb 7
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Lol. A true ANTIFA would consider that the likes of HRClinton & Biden to be politically right of Adolf Hitler.
I suggest David that your lifetime of US indoctrination is showing through.

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 18, 2023

Apparently you have finally realized that I am a Social Liberal. That confuses you, because you have been confusing Fascism with Socialism. I have been demonstrating and writing criticism of our system of government since the 1960s. I even expatriated myself to Spain, which was liberated from 40 years of Fascist dictatorship just a year before I moved there, and I had spent time there while Franco still ruled. so I have seen Fascism. Have you? What do you know about "ANTIFA"? Does such a group exist in your country, because it is virtually unknown in ours? Although Biden and "Hillary" were certainly Capitalists, and she could almost be described as Socialist, they were certainly far to the left of Hitler. Nixon, Reagan and both Bushes all qualified for something close to Fascism. For you to say that shows just how ignorant you really are about the political spectrum. Earlier you implied that you have been ostracized for your unpopular opinions. I can understand that. Where do you place yourself politically? I think you are just trying to "get my goat" for some reason I can't place. I thought we both liked "Folk Music", even though I'm not sure anymore what that means. I am a songwriter, if not a particularly successful one. Where do you stand, and, by the way, what is a "Frayed Bear"?

@fishline79 So an American Social Liberal is a person with the inability to see that they, like communists of most stripes together with fascists are incapable of ruling intelligently for the benefit of all & not be governed by egoism & tribal desires for hegemony of their particular way of suborning other's needs?
I'll refer you to a former Australian Prime Minister's address to the media a few days ago. I'm afraid that age has sadly removed a little of his reaction time response but he has not lost his ability to properly analyse the situation. You will note that he mentions that he is politically on the right of his brand of politics whereas the incumbent Australian PM & Foreign Minister he regards to be in the left tribe, a group that Americans probably consider to be communists without red cards.
FrayedBear is a human being who adopted the monicker on this site because the effect of other incapacitating him by running him over & leaving him for dead together with age & numerous other indignities \injustices inflicted on him resulted in him adopting the name. And if you wonder why I'm not a member of the Trump Pinata group it is because the fascits running the group barred me from it because they did not like having alternative points of view presented.

Enjoy the following - you may end up wishing that you had a President with at least half of his acuity & moral fortitude.

@fishline79 I'm not surprised that there is no ANTIFA in USA. The environment there I suspect is as hostile to such people as it is to FNP 's, Communists & anyone disagreeing with US policy or the fact that the members of all three political groups are in denial that they themselves are fascist. . . I remind you that the most infamous fascist party, Hitler's Third Reich implemented some amazing politically non fascist policies that your various governments have not introduced or allowed American citizens to enjoy & benefit from. . . paid leave, medicare to mention only 2.
But perhaps that opinion was simply created by English & American spindoctoring convincing the world that they were fascists.

@FrayedBear Boy, you really are anti-"American", aren't you. You must have been bitten by a Jehovah's Witness, or choked on a "Coke". I am about as "anti" as an "American" can get but we are not all as despicable as you seem to think. I could say a lot of negative things about Australia, too but none of us choose where we were born. Get the chip off your shoulder. And, what "amazing politically non fascist policies" are you referring to, "Fahrfignugen", "Oktoberfest"? Take a valium and cool out.


You may appreciate this.

@fishline79 yes I appreciate it but am saddened on a number of fronts because of the need for someone to have to brutally point out the disgusting state that the US has allowed itself to develop into.
This morning I have just been given information that I've shared on this site. It has prompted me to further post this: "The AUKUS submarines deal is looking more & more like a bribe to America to prevent it from enacting some disaster on Australia. See "A fascinating discussion identifying US policy, blackmail & arrogance.""
I'm afraid that your "You must have been bitten by a Jehovah's Witness, or choked on a "Coke"." reaction is as predictable as that of the blonde sophomore Jenny with the response to her question. . . hers is puerile but yours is a puerile & ad hominem response.
I'm wondering if in fact you are not who you say you are but a troll or phisher who has subsumed David Fissel's identity.

@FrayedBear Fuck you, you blithering idiot. And my name isn't "Fissel"

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