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I was encouraged see that an institution like the Vatican is spending time and energy on ecology. It’s important keep it in the public eye.


Denker 7 July 7
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I see this a prime example of the usual religious hypocrisy. The term "sterile hypocrisy" applies here as the Vatican has and will continue to deny the prime cause as being human population growth. This Pope has even said there will be no talk of population stabilization or family planning (outside of the church's so called methods which does not include sterilization). They choose to blame the usual rich, greedy westerners against the poor of the world.

JackPedigo Level 9 July 7, 2018

I used to think that intention was the most important thing: but with issues like this I feel that all action is helpful; regardless of the logic, (or lack of), behind it.

@girlwithsmiles I see your point and realize many Catholics may see the environmental problems they would not have done so before. However, the usual finger pointing, removing family planning and praising the poor can actually exacerbate the problems. I have a real issue with religious leaders telling people how to deal with environmental issues.

@JackPedigo yes, the church getting involved in state issues is always a problem; I suppose unless they're offering support, but even that can lead to bias. It's a tricky old world.

@girlwithsmiles The Johnson amendment forbids politicking from the pulpit. This rule is often broken and FFRF has sued the IRS and won. Now tRump keeps trying to repeal the amendment.

@JackPedigo well that certainly doesn't exist here, the last time I went to,
'church' it was a cathedral service and the clergyman was talking about Brexit. I agreed with his views as it happened; but he was pretty clear about his decision on which was the right way to vote. I think it's understandable really, if you follow the lessons of Jesus, as my parents say they do, and love is expected; then some decisions are simple.But my parents are at polarities of the political scale, so religion has not drawn them together politically.

@girlwithsmiles All 501(C0(3)'s are forbidden from promoting certain policies or persons. That is the law. Just because some don't adhere to this doesn't make it right. Tje IRS can and should take away their tax exempt status if they break the rules.

@JackPedigo that is a federal US law and doesn't apply to UK religions, the closest we have is a registered charitable organisation I think, they are allowed to be involved in politics with the following provisos:

legal requirement: to be a charity an organisation must be established for charitable purposes only, which are for the public benefit. An organisation will not be charitable if its purposes are political

campaigning and political activity can be legitimate and valuable activities for charities to undertake

legal requirement: however, political campaigning, or political activity, as defined in this guidance, must be undertaken by a charity only in the context of supporting the delivery of its charitable purposes. Unlike other forms of campaigning, it must not be the continuing and sole activity of the charity. (Section 3.5 provides a fuller explanation.)

there may be situations where carrying out political activity is the best way for trustees to support the charity’s purposes. A charity may choose to focus most, or all, of its resources on political activity for a period. The key issue for charity trustees is the need to ensure that this activity is not, and does not become, the reason for the charity’s existence.

@girlwithsmiles Actually, one reason we split from the Brits was the principle of "taxation without representation'. In this case charitable organizations do not pay taxes so are, in a sense, subsidized by the government. The reverse (but just as applicable) situation exists of representation without taxation. This is not fair to the taxpayers. Non-profit (or should I say non-prophet) have to fill out a form (990) each year to maintain their status. Religious organizations don't and, until Freedom From Religion Foundation sued the IRS and won the government looked the other way. Here is a case of using the words of 'jesus' against these people "Render unto God what is God's and unto Caesar which is Caesar" (meaning taxes).

Thanks for the information but it seems a bit technical for me. I worked for KPMG for 12 years as a Records Manager. Tax law is complicated. I know things are different in Europe and in Germany people who belong to a church are/were taxed to support the religion of their choice (even so the plate was still passed). Many people dropped out of religion because it cost them to belong. Do the churches in England pay taxes or are they automatically considered charitable orgs?

@JackPedigo this article suggests that UK religions are exempt from certain taxes, and that if they weren't they would go bust. I believe it due to the uptake of all those old buildings, although as it stand they are making a nice profit it seems. They also compare with the US: []

@girlwithsmiles A previous posting said that, hidden in the latest tax law, was a section saying some churches would have a tax liability. Also, religion should be run as non-profits. Yes, the Catholic Church has lots of money but they are spending a lot of it on lawsuits on pedophilia and priests + cover-ups. Also, in this country there is a form (900 I believe) that all charitable orgs. are supposed to fill out annually. Churches are exempt from this. To me, making special rules for religion goes against the separation of church and state.

@JackPedigo I agree with that, but the churches would have to do some serious work if they were to become taxable. I guess they would need to apply for some type of Not for Profit status and have a board, that would be interesting.

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