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Good video from George Takei on Facebook. (Link below)

I've been thinking about this issue recently. I always notice (with a pleasant surprise) when I purchase a familiar product that has changed to biodegradable packaging.

Seems like that is a good option moving forward. Plant based plastics for bags, bottles, etc would make a huge dent when you consider not only the change in China's policy, but also the sheer amount of plastic that ends up in the ocean.

It's time we start demanding companies tackle this problem on their end and invest in biodegradable materials.


PatrickC 4 July 18
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The amount of packaging used for some things is astonishing, even for inter-office mail. I once received first aid kit supplies from our warehouse that were packaged and shipped only one to two items per box - eek. I recently purchased a 28 ml bottle of oil that was packaged in a box that could easily have protected something 4 times the size.

Frankly, I'd like to see less packaging and more content. Except for eggs. I always break at least one or two eggs.

pixiedust Level 8 July 18, 2018

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