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We are the first county in the country to adopt the' Leave no Trace Program'. Our island was in the forefront of promoting the program. Here is a short, fun video of some details.


JackPedigo 9 Aug 8
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Thank you for sharing that. I did not know the poop burying specs. That is good to know. Also leaving everything as it is. Not even taking a rock. I love rocks. Phone cameras come in handy capturing something beautiful without owning it. Really great.

gigihein Level 8 Aug 8, 2018

It’s a good thing to take care of your wilderness. Land use is so intense over here that there are only small nature parks left in the country where I live.

Denker Level 7 Aug 8, 2018

Certainly there are conservation programs and land use rules in Hollaand. I have been there many times. I really liked it.

@JackPedigo Yes there are, and there are still some beautiful parks and waterways. But you can’t take a kayak out to a set of islands and go camping in the wilderness like you can in the Pacific north west. It’s a different kind of world.

@Denker It is and I constantly remind myself of that. Have you been here? Do you know of the travel group Servas Int'l ( I am a host and have hosted people from all over including one guy from Amsterdam.

@JackPedigo I spent some time during my childhood in the Seattle area, my dad and me used to make trips out to the islands sometimes. It was a fun time.


Hopefully this will spread!

Justjoni Level 8 Aug 8, 2018

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