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Have you heard of the Half-Earth Project? It’s an attempt to galvanise people into setting aside half the earth as nature reserves in order to preserve biodiversity. There was a pretty cool accompanying book by E.O. Wilson as well.


Denker 7 Aug 28
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When I was in ZPG we had many activities for different groups. One, for early elementary school kids was called "Earth the Apple of our Eye". We would take an apple and say it represents the earth and ask the kids how much of the apple can we live. [] First thing is cut the apple in fourths. 3/4 of the world is water/oceans. Then cut another piece (about 10%) and this represents mountains, deserts, polar regions or any inhospitable places. Subtract another 11% because this is needed for agriculture (a large part of which comes from raising food animals). Then there is paved over land. Finally, ask where we live (on the surface) so peel what is left. One is left with a tiny sliver of the original.
E.O. Wilson is a brilliant scientist and I laud his idea. Unfortunately, with the human population still growing exponentially how is one going to galvanize people???
I have 1 child, am almost a vegan, bike whenever I can (but after my accident this will stop for a while), walk and drive a small hybrid. I do everything I can to lower my impact but I am only one (albeit rare) out of 7.5 billion people.

JackPedigo Level 9 Aug 28, 2018

The city I live in is losing green space at a most alarming rate. City Council recently allowed a bank to begin building on the primary public park in the city. It's awful.

pixiedust Level 8 Aug 28, 2018

@LetzGetReal We are albeit unsuccessfully. The prevailing belief seems to be: $$ is god. Environment is someone else's problem. People in this city seem to especially hate trees - go figure.

@pixiedust I have a belief that people who live in a region in which the environment is oppressive one needs to control it. This describes a lot of conservative areas. Areas wit a beautiful and supportive environment (like the Pacific NW) one wants to embrace and protect it. According to Jared Diamond, "Guns, Germs and Steel" it id=s about geography.


Hmm...nice thought, but whose half?

Heraclitus Level 8 Aug 28, 2018

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