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ALEXANDRIA OCASIO CORTEZ is the current Congresswoman in New Yorks 14th district; she has a lot to say and hopefully do re climate change and has helped to start "The New Green Deal" in Congress as she is the FIRST to give her endorsement. Check her and out on Twitter and FB.

She is also understandably a champion of her homeland...

"Months after Hurricane Maria, which ravaged Puerto Rico, our fellow Americans still suffer for want of basic utilities and billions in federal aid that they are entitled to as citizens. In that time the United States has allowed its own citizens to go without reliable electricity, potable water, and open schools.

That includes Alexandria’s own family. Our friends and family in Puerto Rico thus suffer the double humiliation of being denied disaster relief from their own government on the basis of their disenfranchisement. As a member of Congress, Alex commits to championing justice for Puerto Rico on the House floor.

The US Government has done nothing while Puerto Ricans have suffered an island-wide blackout, seen public tuition double for all aspiring collegiate students, and been deprived of their humanity with under-reporting of hurricane-related deaths. A recent Harvard report stating that the real numbers are approaching 5,000, more than 70 times what is being reported. Americans would not stand for this in any other city or state, and we can’t stand for it now. Our government has a responsibility to act and pursue a just recovery in Puerto Rico.

As a Congresswoman, Alexandria is now also fighting for sweeping change in the way that the United States relates to Puerto Rico, including 5 main policy priorities:

  1. A Marshall Plan for Puerto Rico, helping the island not only recover from Hurricane Maria, but thrive with modern infrastructure and renewable energy systems.

  2. A community-led, sustainable, and just recovery - including protections for Puerto Rico’s public education system from kindergarten to college and trade school.

  3. An immediate waiver and full review of the Jones Act, which hamstrings the Puerto Rican economy with restrictions that other American communities do not have to face.

  4. Cancellation of Puerto Rico’s Wall Street debt: this debt has been accrued by vulture funds using irresponsible and unjust behavior reminiscent of the 2008 financial crisis.

  5. Condemnation of the PROMESA Act, which handed over the island to 'La Junta,' a corporate governance board installed with the support of my opponent and his private equity donors...."

LetzGetReal 8 Dec 4
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I love this woman. Brave, smart, and degree in economics. I shared her with my friends when I ran across a campaign friends said she would never make it. May the Force be with her always. Pelosi did not embrace her...I think TV he thought of not taking tons of money from big corp interests was her issue. Too progressive touching their bribes

gigihein Level 8 Dec 4, 2018

@LetzGetReal Sio irritating how they repeatedly said she worked in bar or restaurant. Who gives a frack.They fear her. Pelosi says she is progressive but balks at any new ideas. She has a lot of big interests groups she and her leaches/peers are beholden too

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