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The Future Energy - Top 10 Energy Sources
--- 10. Space-based solar power --- 9. Human Power --- 8. Tidal Power --- 7. Hydrogen (fuel cells) --- 6. Geothermal heat from underground lava beds --- 5. Nuclear Waste --- 4. Solar windows --- 3. Bio-fuels (algae) --- 2. Flying wind farms --- 1. Nuclear fusion ---

AnonySchmoose 8 May 18
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The U.S. grid is shameful.

Fossil fools would be gone in short order with the ending of corporate ownership of the electric grid.

Heathenman Level 7 May 18, 2019

A good overview, but the producer does not seem to have a deep understanding. Hydrogen is not an alternative form of energy production, but merely a way of using energy made by other means, since it takes energy to extract hydrogen from the molecules which contain it. Also he confuses tidal and wave power, which are quite different, even I spotted those errors and I am no expert, so how accurate it is in detail is hard to say.

Fernapple Level 9 May 18, 2019

Apparently, this video is more superficially newsy than it is authoritative. Maybe there's a better researched video out there somewhere.


As we warm up...and keep adding warm bodies (158 more births, than deaths, per minute, 227,000 more per day, a million more every 5 days, 85 million more per year)...

We're going to have to talk of eliminating all exothermic - heat producing, or heat-releasing - reactions.

That means we have to end any kind of burning. Even "clean fuels" - hydrogen, bio-fuels - are exothermic

Nuclear energy will go first; it's very exothermic; and proven too hard to regulate.

Fusion will never happen.

Last to go...and very well established in Iceland - is geothermal.

But Solar, wind, tidal, running rivers will save us...if we get our population growth to stop.

But we're very pro-"growth".

Until we get to ZPG...and get serious about quantity of life vs quality of warming's threat to inundate where 90% of the population lives - within 10 miles of a water body - will have to be considered.


Robecology Level 9 May 18, 2019

The term exothermic is new to me. I'll take it to heart. Am grateful.

@AnonySchmoose Thanks. Solar, hydro, wind and battery technology's worst enemy is heat; so they're becoming "mesothermic" (neither heat producing nor heat absorbing).

Any research to improve them is almost always focused on reducing the heat; and China is years ahead of us and Germany in this area.


Solar panels that face the sun are almost "endothermic" - heat absorbing"....but the net heat in-out is neutral, at best, and there's a lot of exothermic processing to make them.

But "Thermic" a key root word that energy physicists work with constantly.

@Robecology Well, I have more complete knowledge now, and the technology will not be as confusing.

@Allamanda I guess your definition of "rapidly" is dfferent than mine. Most demographic theorists don't see us reaching ZPG until very late this century.

I concur with the inequality. China is fighting that now...their standard of living is zooming....but we still have almost twice the carbon footprint of any Chinese, and five times that of a typical eastern Indian;

Saying we "export mayhem" is a bit biased and vague...and I don't see the tech and food we export as "speeding up growth"....I'd like to see the data on your me "agnostic" on these. comments.


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