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Regarding taking action to address, reduce, and eliminate human-caused serious (life and death) climate change environmental issues, in the face of hide-their-heads-in-the-sand opposition claiming that it's so in doubt that serious expensive actions are not warranted:

ran into some of the opposition last night talking about the delusional folks (such as myself I guess) trying to take expensive action on a problem they claim is (they alleged) in so much doubt.

I didn't manage to get a word in edgewise on this point and don't have that much to say (I don't carry around a lot of arguments on this point inside my head, I moved on a long time ago to conceding that there's not enough doubt on the matter to delay taking expensive action), so from this part of the conversation I just walked away. And conversation with semi-drunk echo-chamber residents about how I am myself "delusional" for trying to acknowledge a life-and-death emergency for 8 billion people is not my idea of a productive conversation. If folks are at that point, I think they're pretty unreachable. But if I had been allowed to get in a brief word, I guess one thing I'd have said is that the rational thing to do, for a planet of 8 billion people, is to acknowledge the scientific back-and-forth debates, but to show good judgment that when evidence gets to a point of showing the strong possibility that a worst-case-scenario is a real possibility,.... the rational thing to do is to start taking action (even if very expensive) immediately to avoid the worst case scenario, while simultaneously working to verify if it's likely. Unfortunately, for many years now, it has looked more and more likely.

I still think this 1 minute and 16 second cartoon video is one of the best (if not the best) summaries I've ever seen of dealing with the complacency and irrationality of opponents of action on climate change. [In the video, the deadly monster is well established earlier in the plot as a metaphor for deadly man-made climate change.] I would gladly cite the proper website instead of youtube, but that website's cycle of video availability unfortunately at this time is not allowing even for short clips of this particular episode.

ManBearPig isn't real.
Nov 10, 2018

kmaz 7 Aug 26
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It remind me vaccines being the spreader, and many ignoring it.

Hi, maybe I am misunderstanding something, but it looks to me like you're attempting to make a nonsense comment about vaccines, and to associate this comment with discussion of the critical topic of what to do about anthropogenic climate change. Unless I am misunderstanding something, please take careful note that this group is absolutely not here for you to engage in either sort of activity.

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