This is one of my favorite psychedelic youtubers... would love to hear your opinion on this topic
Too much god nonsense for me.
. Here's my take : psychedelics only amplify what's there to start with, so if your prone to mystical thinking, That's what you get.
I'm not.
I feel like DMT is one of those drugs that is so difficult to explain (it's the most powerful hallucinogen in the world) that if someone hasn't actually taken it themselves, then they have no idea.... I wish people would try DMT one time because it's literally mind-blowing.
And what "god nonsense" was said in the video? Yes, they used that word but he explained that he doesn't even believe in god but he was just using that term because that's what most people call it.
I've a long history of psychedelic use including dmt.
It was nothing special to me. I understand other people have quite different reactions.
I'm very anti religious, god concept, spirituality, etc. and understand many others have quite different views on that too.
@Slappy_Longarms I'm curious to hear what you saw and felt on DMT, since you're not spiritual at all.
Posted by climaction23A happy little family!
Posted by climaction23You can never go back, not that you'd want to...
Posted by M3G4N666Hello and Welcome! I will post more tomorrow! You are welcome to talk about anything! :)