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Omnism: The belief that not one religion is the only truth but that truths are found in them all. Thoughts anyone ?

Fibonacci1618 7 Apr 28
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The Bahai religion has also this thought in its manifesto.


"True science and true religion are twin-sisters, and the separation of either from the other is sure to prove the death of both." -- Thomas Henry Huxley

Without science there can be no real religion." -- Robert Green Ingersoll

All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. -- Albert Einstein

AgnosticPh Level 3 Apr 28, 2018

I've been studying fractals and sacred geometry and it makes me think of associations that aren't seen because of either a linear mindset and/or because of the compartmentalization of ideas. Nice share.

I would prefer
"True science and Humanism are twin-sisters, and the separation of either from the other is sure to prove the death of both." -- both represent ways of thinking and ways of life

"Without science there can be no real religion." "All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree."........ And that tree is the Tree of knowledge . Scientific method has a great deal to do with the learning and assimilation of knowledge.


Well...just for me, personally, we simply have no idea...NO idea what created all this. There are some interesting theories about branes and the multiverse, but if so, where did the multiverse come from? So, any theism that proports to know that is either lying or confused...again, my personal view. BUT, if you can find a personal truth for yourself by diving into one or all of these, perhaps theism has a useful purpose. As for omnitheism or omnism.... I think it is just as valid or invalid as a single theism.

AstroLou Level 5 Apr 28, 2018

This sounds like a chemist arguing with a physicist about which science is more valid. Everything is so compartmentalized that understanding and knowledge have become separate. My stance hasn't been revealed, I just like hearing smart people validate there theist just the same. I appreciate the input. But for clarification, a broken clock is right twice a day, but without another clock to verify, who knows when that is.

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Posted by OldGoat43TALIBANGELIST:

Posted by OldGoat43Political Correctness for the next group in power:

Posted by Science-guySuch a place

Posted by ScoobsHere's some good lovin' from Pope Wilson, KSC. In what certainties do you believe?

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Posted by ScoobsHere's some good lovin' from Pope Wilson, KSC. In what certainties do you believe?

Posted by ScoobsHere's some good lovin' from Pope Wilson, KSC. In what certainties do you believe?

Posted by ScoobsHere's some good lovin' from Pope Wilson, KSC. In what certainties do you believe?

Posted by ScoobsHere's some good lovin' from Pope Wilson, KSC. In what certainties do you believe?

Posted by coralisthree...and this.

Posted by coralisthree...and this

Posted by Fibonacci1618Omnism: The belief that not one religion is the only truth but that truths are found in them all. Thoughts anyone ?

Posted by Fibonacci1618Saw this, loved it, thought I'd share it..... In truth, I don't like the minority vs Euro Saxon depiction, but the larger point I thought was worth sharing.

Posted by ScoobsWilliam James, father of American psychology, tells of meeting an old lady who told him the Earth rested on the back of a huge turtle.

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