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Sam Harris on Islam...

phxbillcee 10 Apr 26
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The problem with Islam is that it lacks moderation. There are no restraints in place to curtail extremism. In fact the extremist represents the fundamentalist approach. From the beginning, Islam set its sights on world conquest through jihad. We should not be fooled into thinking that Islam and Western Liberal post-enlightenment values can coexist.

rcandlish Level 7 Sep 2, 2018

I agree, somewhat. Xtian fundamentalism, or "The New Taliban", & their "Dominionist" brethren, would be just as bad if they could get away with it, as xtians did for so many centuries!


Everyone on the political left isn't obsessed with defending Islam but some are.

If I had to choose between living among Christians or Muslims, well I've done a bit of both and when religious nuts go wacko and kill here we generally prosecute them.

Harris and other scholars identify key verses in the Bible and Koran that have moderated Xtianity and likely energized violent Muslims.

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Posted by kdmomI appreciated this thought that Sam posted today.

Posted by CommunityTomSam Posted this on his Instagram recently. What are your thoughts?

Posted by CommunityTomSaw this craziness as I was scrolling through my Facebook News Feed.

Posted by phxbillceeAnother quote...

Posted by phxbillceeWell, when he's right, he's right...

Posted by phxbillceeSam Harris on Islam...

Posted by BeeHappyClearly makes his point!

Posted by phxbillceeSam Harris quote...

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