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Best of Sam Harris Amazing Arguments And Clever Comebacks Part 11

phxbillcee 10 May 10
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Sam Harris is amazing!!! Up there with Hitchens and Dawkins imo!

subboitpa Level 3 May 14, 2018

I agree with everything that Sam Harris says.So convincingly logical. It is hard to believe that I share my life, my world, with so many seemingly close-minded people...Seemingly? Is Sam Harris smarter or more logical than, let's say - Barack Obama. Am I smarter or more logical than Bill Clinton? Barack Obama and Bill Clinton are very intelligent Christian men. Are they absolutely true believers or have they thought it out fully and chose a position that defies logic? If the latter is so,is this choice for the sake of community? Especially to publicly pronounce their position rather than remain neutral. I don't think either was asked if they believe in God. I believe that they put it right up front before we knew who they were.Why? Was it for purely political purposes or do they believe in the Supernatural? These are examples that totally short circuits the concept of common sense. It is understandable for some to believe in a Creator for no one can be definitively positive. It is not understandable how anyone can believe in the power of prayer when we observe so many on their knees as they continue to suffer. It is not many acknowledge the
possibility of miracles when one lives and hundreds die. Does anyone really believe there are intervening agents or agent? I am amazed how Sam Harris' such convincing logic leaves so many unconvinced.

TommyRyan Level 5 May 10, 2018

When talking of politicians, it's tough to know actual beliefs. Most know that nation-wide public office, & even more local, is impossible without at least lip service to religion. Hopefully, that will change, but it won't be soon, unfortunately.

@phxbillcee I agree that it will not be soon. As a matter of fact, I think it will be never. Peer pressure has always been and will always be regardless of one person's evolving point of view.

People basically believe what they want to believe, then rationalize afterwords to justify what they already assume to be true.

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Posted by kdmomI appreciated this thought that Sam posted today.

Posted by CommunityTomSam Posted this on his Instagram recently. What are your thoughts?

Posted by CommunityTomSaw this craziness as I was scrolling through my Facebook News Feed.

Posted by phxbillceeAnother quote...

Posted by phxbillceeWell, when he's right, he's right...

Posted by phxbillceeSam Harris on Islam...

Posted by BeeHappyClearly makes his point!

Posted by phxbillceeSam Harris quote...

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