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Was this the sort of science education you received?

America's National Science Education Standards outlines six important aspects pivotal to inquiry learning in science education.

1.Students should be able to recognize that science is more than memorizing and knowing facts.
2.Students should have the opportunity to develop new knowledge that builds on their prior knowledge and scientific ideas.
3.Students will develop new knowledge by restructuring their previous understandings of scientific concepts and adding new information learned.
4.Learning is influenced by student's social environment whereby they have an opportunity to learn from each other.
5.Students will take control of their learning.
6.The extent to which students are able to learn with deep understanding will influence how transferable their new knowledge is to real life contexts.

In the UK this sort of education was adopted by the Nuffield science Project and it completely changed my teaching style and the satisfaction that I received from that change.

Mcflewster 8 Sep 18
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That's stated in most First day curricula for any decent science teacher.

Learn the process, not memorize the facts.

Show you know the scientific method by doing, not saying nor writing.

Robecology Level 9 Sep 18, 2020

That is evidence of real change in America. How do we get it to the American public without feeling they are going back to school.

@Mcflewster This Pandemic almost forced us in to a sea-change in education.

Gathering groups in classes is now a thing of the past.

Zoom computer tech must be making a fortune.

You can have meetings with everyone participating...options for mike on or mute is up to the teacher...and the teacher can demo whatever - then watch the kids do their thing.

School buildings and mass gatherings in classrooms might go the way of shopping malls.

@Robecology You are right. I think there will be an immediate change that says you can get the same education at home and at school .What we used to call programmed learning will come back in force. There will be lots of choice and competition for companies to survive in this situation.
Teachers should collaborate a lot more before writing these programmes but have strict criteria to keep standards. everywhere led by the best programmed learning. Basic syllabuses (or syllabi) should be the same everywhere eventually but with room left for different and more individual preferences courses and trips.
The other important role of the teacher will be supervised social situations where the teachers mingle, make sure they make friends everywhere and control any misfits. This will not eliminate socialising without teachers but eventually they will see that teacher led sessions are more enjoyable. The school buildings and facilities will still be needed for that but also shared with the community for adult and mixed purposes.

Social groupings should be mixed in every conceivable sense so that everyone learns a lot from each other

If all the above happens it will be a miracle but we can hope can we not . How do you view the above?

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