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I have, off and on , been trying to shorten learning about science for adults by using what I call "short science. It is not intended to be comprehensive, just improve your life in a way that works . It is VERY short. i.e

1 Assume nothing

2 Believe nothing

3 Check everything​.

As simple as A,B,C.

Could you please test out the suggestion that if you do as it suggests your life will get better but in your case HOW. e.g. how would your life be improved by attempting to examine all the things that you assume in life?

It was invented by Manchester UK Police force during the time of an important search for a missing person. It was intended for use by police officers who had to search over a very wide area of residential housing by knocking on every door in the neighborhood.

Good thinking!

Mcflewster 8 Nov 2
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How many of us check that their e-mail really has been sent by checking the SENT box? . Have YOU been caught lacking?


@Mcflewster (david) You're preaching to the choir. Look up the definition of "agnostic" means just what you're asking folk to "test out".


Agree good philosophy for a police investigation but for all aspects in life? Eg "Assume nothing", the police assume they are the good guys and in the right, they assume information resulting in their search for a particular suspect is correct etc.
We do have to make assumptions at times, otherwise no-one would do anything. But those assumptions must be open to challenge.
I don't see a reason to simplify the scientific method of discovery as it is simple enough and can be used by all in life daily.
repeatable results
A mind open to change when new information comes along.

puff Level 8 Nov 2, 2022

I agree with what you say and you have fortunately had a good science education.

This effort was to try to reach people who simply ignore science methodology and have no hope of improving their science benefits although everyone knows that science "does you good" .

For example if you make a list of all (or some) of your daily assumptions and examine each one in turn as to whether you can be more firm on that assumption ever, then my hope is that in making the revision of the assumption you will see it from a different perspective and actually improve its resilience.

Of course I am not expecting an outcome of no beliefs, so maybe that statement could be improved to say " Believe nothing until you have proved it." In the case of the police it will be the senior detectives that do the proof.

Some peopled not like officials,their boss, their wives checking everything , but to improveour security we ALL have to change that attitude so that we actually LOVE checking -all of us , even offering to help the check taking place.

We make too many assumptions (undeclared that is) ALL the time.

@Mcflewster But you do have to, to live eg How many do you know who function test their vehicles before using? Or do they assume they are safe to drive?

@puff I think that the answer to this is that other routes take over to protect you and they are grouped round OBSERVATIONS often subconsciously. E.g I know some people who always rev up their engines before they have to pull off. At all other time we are continyaulkly listen for strange noises . But by all means, LIVE!

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