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How do you see the future of science education?
The current UK government’s curriculum, which they suggest is a radical change in science education, does not teach children anything about what science really is. They mistakenly think the object of discovery is science. They also mistakenly conflate the core of science with its more superficial process / methodology. While of course the scientific method is essential, and while of course what we’ve discovered is important, what is at the core of good science is neither of these. Rather, science is a way of being. Indeed, it’s the only human endeavour that celebrates uncertainty, diversity, collaboration and is intrinsically motivating (i.e., it is its own reward). These principles of science are also the same values that define play. Hence … science can actually be reframed as play itself. Which means experiments are nothing more than games. The aim in reframing science in this way isn’t to bring people (young and old) to science by ‘making it fun’ – because science is actually very difficult (as is anything done well). Rather, the future of science education is to give children the skills to become adaptable, since being adaptable we be the core of their well-being and success in the future.

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Mcflewster 8 Dec 1
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Feynman lectured in Brazil. At one point he held up the physics book used at the university, and probably in all of Brazil schools, and stated, "There is no science in this book."

All of it was rote memory exercises.

JacarC Level 8 Dec 4, 2018

Good one . I agree with Feynman . Knowledge does not equal Science , It is a product of science.


The scientific method is the most basic of human's behavior. Completely instinctual.
What we call the arts are the tools used by children to learn the truth about their world.
Role play, dance, song, representation, and construction,.... All natural.

The insanity of non-educators removing these fundamental interests from children during kindergarten. And hence the spread of stoopidity.

JacarC Level 8 Dec 3, 2018

Public education, in the US, has been constantly under attack for decades.

What do those people expect to happen when most people do not understand science and history?

JacarC Level 8 Dec 3, 2018

I teach on a BSc and MSc course and I am always surprised by the poor scientific knowledge of the students. I remember my science education, learning the scientific method first of all. A level science at the time consisted of developing your own research and submitting it to statistical analysis and review. (Mine was literally a research project on poo!) I started a little A&P session the other days and wrote 'Na' 'K' ions in ATP and the blank faces I was met with was really shocking. How can you understand drug synthesis if you don't understand this. (UK btw)

Amisja Level 8 Dec 1, 2018

you could say they were completely 'Na' 'K' ered?

@LenHazell53 haha

My concern is not necessarily knowledge although it is handy to check it before you delve into a new concept, but in exactly how science proceeds to find that knowledge. I was never instructed in the science method or asked to instruct it until a year before I ended my teaching career. I believe that a modified form of scientific method and taking responsibility for your own fund of knowledge could help us all of any age in the future -solving problems like false news but down to everyday problems too.
Please see my 'Science teachers' group under "groups'.

@Mcflewster My issue is that our students are meant to come to university with scientific basics.


"Fun with science" was my umbrella category for all the things I let my sons do to explore their own curiosities about the world as they grew up. True intelligence is the ability to adapt to change, and you cannot accomplish that without some level of understanding. I think it's important to provide an environment that encourages understanding the how and why of things and doesn't just stop the line at rote memorization and regurgitation.

Amzungu Level 8 Dec 1, 2018

Good attitude for helping children to take responsibilty.


Have you not realised that education in state schools has for some decades now not been about education at all?
It is simply a method of preparing the majority of people for a life of inane conformity, obedience and acceptance of the status quo.
It is all about classification, quantification and social control.

Just another brick in the wall --Pink Floyd

I totally agree. I think that science education has been about doing "other people's science" over and over again. It should be about the ability of finding things about yourself which are affecting YOU and being responsible for correcting things yourself.

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