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As a none teacher I would like to ask a question if I may, this issue came up in a post on another groups page.

Education tends to reflect the historical narrative of discovery, especially to use that as its structure for teaching children, yet for many people who never progress very far into history or the sciences especially, and whose early schooling becomes their framework for their understanding, that may not be a good thing especially in biology. In the UK when I was at school, (many years ago), we were taught biology beginning with such things as plant classification and anatomy (early developments ), and perhaps little paleontology as an amusement in the early days, taught as if it were something not very serious. Yet most never reached evolutionary theory, which is at the core of the subject and the main source of even beginning to understanding it at all, unless you went on to the higher classes. This devalued the subject I am sure in many peoples eyes and contributes to the wide misunderstanding of it, among my generation at least; and sadly I am sure that the churches power in schools had a hand in making sure the teaching continued to be framed that way.

I had thought that this could have changed, yet I have some evidence that it may still be the case. For example Richard Dawkins complaining about it, in only the last few years.

Could anyone still in education tell me if this is still so ? I am not expecting anyone to have detailed knowledge of the up to date customs in every country of the world, just a rough idea of the general rule.

Fernapple 9 Apr 6
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And here's what's going on in Puerto Rico...


@FernApple In the last 45 years, science has made leaps and bounds. The internet was born. AIDS/HIV has been brought under control. We've discovered a lot of what we use, and even breathe, causes cancer; so we're eating a lot wiser, taking smarter meds.

So in general, education has kept up with science and progress.

Climate change is another matter.

Most are like the classic "Frog in warm water" the water heats up....they just sit there...and cook. We're naive because we see posters, we sense record heat days, but we don't put them together to see the future very well.

Now, having said that; I'm a proud Tesla owner. I feel the EV revolution is happening. Wind farms are popping up. I'm in P.R. right now helping a solar power for the common man there are baby steps happening that prove that folk are taking science and applying it to our changing world.

I'm optimistic. I think we'll fix climate shift, and end fossil fuel use sooner rather than later. But I could be wrong.


This is a VERY thoughtful post . At this juncture I can only say that I am trying very hard in the UK to completely change one aspect of science teaching - the first approach to science for EVERYBODY. The real trouble is that I have no class to 'experimen't with and have left my professional organization (ASE UK) so I am looking for adult views everywhere I can - as you have done comparing what people have received with what MIGHT happen in the future. Please try if you have the time to answer some other questions in the group and let us both keep trying to expand its membership. BTW I have tried and failed to expand via Humanist(UK) and that effort left only a Facebook page Humanists4Science with about 200 or so international members but hardly any TEACHERS (sad) . Most encouraged by your posting.

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