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I am most interested in finding out if anyone came out of a test or exam and said to themselves " I enjoyed that!!" . Behind this is my desire for everyone to test themselves repeatedly. I know that many people will shudder at this thought.

Mcflewster 8 July 15
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Science, especially physics, helped me recover from 12 years in Catholic schools. I walked out of physics exams inspired to learn more until in grad school, thinking of studying low temperature physics, I found computers.

Now, at 88, I’ve been studying astrophysics for a decade and I use every opportunity to challenge Big Bangers to quit that religion. In short, like religion it’s all words and no evidence.

yvilletom Level 8 Aug 15, 2019

Myself I had this feeling , I think it was after a biochemistry exam ,that I had actually learned something during the exam. A connection I had not made in my studies. There is great overlap between the learning and testing processes.

Mcflewster Level 8 July 16, 2019

Only if I thought I aced it.

Heraclitus Level 8 July 15, 2019

there's 3 levels of testing...and teaching...

  1. too easy...
  2. Just right
  3. Too hard.

The trick is to make testing...and learning...challenging, without appearing too easy nor too difficult.

Robecology Level 9 July 15, 2019

I greatly enjoyed an item writing course run by a London University for multiple choice questions. It consisted of having an idea for a question then subjecting it to the group or it to absolutely pulled to pieces I.e. SHREDDED. Very few got though to actual use.

@Mcflewster I'm not clear - what's your point?

@Robecology Just enjoyment of testing. Helping people to face their fears.

@Mcflewster I guess I didn't make my point; Let me re-word...

There's three levels of tests.

Most like only "challenging" ones.

Simplistic ones are boring, and Overly challenging ones are frustrating.

To "help people face their fears" you also have to help the test and course designers make a quality course and test...using the "goldilocks" factor; not too hard, not too easy...just right.

If, as you say, if "Very few got though to actual use" the test-writing course, what do you think will be the future for enrollment for that course?

I'd say not good.

As a former college registrar, (in the '70's) I'd have a long talk with the professor about re-assessing his level of challenge and grading...or the participation will diminish.

Get my point?

@Robecology I am really not disagreeing with you but everyone - able, median and less able candidates must be challenged to produce their best. So putting some "boring" items of assessment is important for inclusiveness. It is worth pointing out that I was a comprehensive teacher I.e mixed ability with no grading or setting . Everyone needs the chance, without being forced, to get the finer points of chemistry and all areas of knowledge. We must not force any leaner into stereotypes. I certainly took a lot of trouble in setting grade boundaries and examining again any candidate near the boundary


During my doctoral work I felt that way, I spent so much time studying that I felt like saying to my professors “bring it on”.

djs64 Level 7 July 15, 2019

Good feeling.

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