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Under investigation any help offers?

Mcflewster 8 Oct 8
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This is the information provided on request by e-mail. Have you anything similar for early years education in science near YOU?
Tuesdays at Weller Centre, Amersham Road, Caversham (10:20am for 2-3s and 11:20am for 3-4s)
Wednesdays at Pangbourne Village Hall (10:15am for 2-3s, 11:15am for 3-4s)
Fridays at Chapel Hall, Woodley (9:30 for 2-3s, 10:30 for 3-4s)
Saturdays: Monthly at Englefield Primary School. Next classes are 26th October. 9:15 is for 2-5s and is our Marvellous Magic Party. 11am is for 3-6s and will be a class learning about our Blood and Circulation.

I also run classes in Nurseries, Preschools and Primary Schools for KS1, and birthday parties for 3-7 year olds.

Info about our preschool classes at community venues:
Classes are 40 minutes long and follow the same structure each week. The sessions start with an introduction on the subject that week, then an experiment. This is followed by a be-spoke video and a story, followed by another experiment - this format aims to suit all types of learning styles as we know children learn in different ways. What we do know is children learn best when they are involved, which is why so much of the class is so hands-on. The classes are hands-on for Mini Professors and their grown ups, so we need to highlight that it may be tricky to attend with younger siblings between the age of crawling to age 2. However, this doesn't mean you can't bring younger siblings, just that you need to be prepared to supervise them during activities which aren't suitable for their age, such as when we have small pieces of equipment or things which shouldn't be eaten.

Aim of the class
The aim of Mini Professors is to make science fun for little ones, so by the time they go to school they already have an enjoyment of the subject. Science is becoming more and more important to society so how great is it to spark a life-long love at an early age. Classes follow the school curriculum, but are taught at a younger level.

I don't expect your child to come away from class reciting everything they have learned - especially if they are in the younger class. If you feel the introduction is going over their heads, don't worry - this is all about teaching a new learning style which can take a while to master. Persevering with this learning style will help prepare your children for a school learning environment. We do not dumb down science terminology in class - to children it is just another word and if they can say Tyrannosaurus Rex they can say anything, and they learn up to five new words every day!

Classes also teach many other useful life skills such as turn-taking, sharing, fine motor skills, listening and so on. Please don't' worry if your child isn't sitting down and attentive throughout (especially during the story) - just like any other skill, a child has to learn how to do this and practice makes perfect.

What you will see as the classes progress is your child growing in confidence in the environment, and you will be there to see them learn about the wonderful world we live in (especially if you join in too) - they will amaze you with some of the things they come out with and it really is lovely to witness. And who knows you may even learn something as well. Children's' brains are like sponges and they have a natural curiosity - something which we embrace in class.

As the classes are so different to other toddler groups and classes I offer a 3 week trial for £12. This gives you a great idea of what the classes are like.

Classes are then booked per term, or what is left of term at £7 per lesson. All our new terms are now on the website at []

If you have trouble booking on, please let me know and I will try to sort out the issue or book you for you with a few details.
If you have any questions, please contact me and I will get back to you.

Kind regards,

Rosa Tyson
Class Leader - South Reading Mini Professors
07542 590343

WINNER of Hoop Award 2019 "Best for Learning" in Berkshire and Runner-up in Oxfordshire

PARTY!!! Mini Professors also do parties for 3 to 7 year olds. Please ask me if you are interested.

EYFS AND KS1 WORKSHOPS. We can provide fun and dynamic science workshops which meet curricular requirements within EYFS and KS1.

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