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This is a survey and an experiment. I am trying to describe the meaning of the word SCIENCE ( difficult to understand by some ) by collecting together in one place a useful set of the words for PROCESSES that are involved in science, many of which ARE familiar. If you are familiar with the meaning of the word and could define it without using a dictionary please check the box opposite the word. Multiple answers are permitted. However NOT all words that I know could be included are actually there. If you would want additional words that describe science better, List them under ADD in your comment Also you may want to delete some words . List these under DELETE in your comment. IF you find a word that you sort of know but find it difficult for ANY reason list it UNDER Difficult in your response. YOUR ANSWERS will help those who find the whole concept of science very puzzling (including religionists)

Thanks for your TIME!



THIS POST IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT . Please wait for the full survey to be loaded. Keep thinking though.I want to leave it running for a long (not Biblical) Time.

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Mcflewster 8 Mar 19 DRAFT
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You lost me. You're being too complex about this... i found a great meme for you;

Robecology Level 9 Mar 19, 2020

Thank you for the Cartoons but ……

A I asked that you not start anything yet.
B The picture is already on this site but does not ask to do anything.
C Although it looks complicated I put it up to let people perhaps familiarise with it -perhaps read it ! - but DO nothing. So it does not have to be simple
D It is my research[ does have a stated purpose] and already I have learned something to my advantage
E I will take it down once you have read my reply and decide how and why it will change IF you see it again.

F Please can you tell me if talking about scientific method has ever thrilled you even if it has been ever part of your education. Did anyone teach it to you? or you teach it to anyone else? Has it any value for anyone? Or if not science method what will get them to use science?

@Mcflewster I'm a retired science I've taught S.M. for over 45 years. I think it's a basic way of demand show steps taken to study solution guesses (hypotheses). It's what defines agnosticism.

@Robecology I still intend to delete the post you are unhappy about , but we are learning here - I hope both of us . Please can you tell me the purpose I had in putting up that post?
FYI I was NEVER taught S.M . and I was only asked to teach it about six months before I retired. I still mange to get excited about science every day and try get everyone else excited. So I am trying to find the simplest possible way of getting even VERY young persons [but not too young] and crusty old men into science.... perhaps those who do not have dads like you!
Obviously I am not succeeding . I made the photo/diagram over a year ago. And it is obvious to me that I REVISE what I am doing .... but then THAT is science.
WEll .... Do I take it down? .... what should I do instead? Please answer my questions?Simply? Cheers

@Mcflewster Like I originally're being too complex. Most won't bother reading the whole thing.

The KISS rule applies here...Keep It Short and Simple.

You could ask; "How relevant is the SM to agnosticism?

or "How much do you apply the SM to everyday living?

or "Why do so many ignore the SM?

Good luck with your'e on to a favorite topic of mine. Make it work!

@Robecology I don't suppose you would try one of those yourself ? on this site- just for a dare and with sole responsibility for replies . I will then wager that I can predict by private message to you the essence of one of the replies . Take your pick - the easiest if you prefer? Glad I have some help on my journey but I am assuming nothing.. Can't take it down yet then Can I?

@Mcflewster On what site?

I couldn't find a site in your I googled "what is science" and found this. Maybe this will help you?


There's nothing to "take down"...even though this site goes world-wide I doubt anyone but you and I are here discussing this.

@Robecology You do appreciate the problems and really my wife wants me to give up on it.

@Robecology The diagram showing science processes is on THIS site . Berekley trys to talk about the propoerties of science but it does not define it and to be fair it does not say "This is a definition of science..."

I am glad you told me to keep it up - it has lead to interesting conversations . as to who will read it .... let us see......( the most annoying phrase of MY father)


You said; "the diagram showing science processes is on THIS site " and then didn't give me/us a link.

@Robecology Would you believe I do not know how?

@Mcflewster Go to the diagram you're talking about. Put your cursor at the start of the "address" in the box, above. Highlight the address (drag the cursor across it). Then press "Control" and"C" (0r go to your link box and click "copy" ) then come to this page, and press "paste" or Control and V - that should do it.

I think it varies from format to format.

Here's a video;

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