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I do not often recommend advertising material but as science is about creativity, have a look at creative people who have used a lot of science to get a lot of increasingly growing money. Yes Business is creative but they always ask too much for a single version of their product
Here goes

Mcfluwster 7 Aug 10
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I strongly disagree that science is about creativity, that belongs with belief systems.
Science is knowledge. it is about logic, reason and the physical world.
It is however true that the best scientists are creative in they think outside the box. Einstein imagining travelling along with light then positioning himself in front and behind is creative thinking at it's best. So simple and yet brilliant. But without reasoned logic, creativity by itself is not enough.

puff Level 8 Aug 10, 2024

Replying to puff about what knowledge is ,,
I am sorry to disagree with you . Science is the processes of getting the knowledge. It has to have real materials and real change in the real world.. It cannot go on in the mind(s) alone to establish proof. Knowledge is the VERBAL RESULTS of the science.... just hoping that everyone will agree with each other that it is useful for something. Sometimes it is not .eg "number of angels that can dance on a pin top"

Science is everything about creativity. It is fortunate that we have not created a Human by unnatural methods.

@Mcfluwster I think we will agree to disagree. Hypothesis start as an idea, which is really the only creative part, which develop into theories once thoroughly tested and challenged. It is a process following logical and practical steps along the way to peer review which need be strictly adhered to ie no room for creativity. It's a process more than anything.

@puff I agree that there are many people who agree with you. "Hypothesis start as an idea, which is really the only creative part," It is the most important part because the designer of that which is to be used as hypothesis has to arrange that there is clear signal in the operation of the experiment that says 'This is the Answer"OR "'This is NOT the Answer" as clear as traffic lights or "The Liquid turns red colour if acidic"

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