Non Religious Science teachers -any age

To discuss the problems and successes of teaching science in any country. Particularly teaching science method or making science fun and personally rewarding. You do not have to have been employed as a science teacher only want to improve everyone’s science education.


To discuss the problems and successes of teaching science in any country. Particularly teaching science method or making science fun and personally rewarding. You do not have to have been employed as a science teacher only want to improve everyone’s science education.


Posts Tagged "friends" By Mcflewster (94) Posts by anyone

Nov 2, 2023Nov 2023

Posted by Mcfluwster
James O’Brain There is someone who broadcasts on Global Radio LBC using phone-ins that has instituted an excellent way of increasing SCIENCE talk. AND your own confidence that you can get answer to any none rude question . His name starts ...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Mar 6, 2022Mar 2022

Posted by Mcflewster
This list is meant to be "The Golden Rules of Scientific Method" Have they missed any rule out in your opinion? Do you disagree with any of them that are in the list below ? 1. Thou shalt base thy conclusion on evidence 2. Thou shalt measure ...
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Jul 20, 2021Jul 2021

Posted by Mcflewster
POLLIs this true? Were you experimentally dangerous when young?

Were you experimentally dangerous when young, in a way that your are not NOW?

  • 12 votes
  • 1 vote
Shared from Academic (e.g., Science)
Sep 21, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
Just to be clear You cannot OWN YOUR OWN RISK Too many people get involved if things go wrong. You can OWN YOUR OWN personal SCIENCE though, to keep you out of trouble
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Jun 17, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
How science leads to Humanism
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 24, 2020Feb 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
In your work at home, in you local community, or in your family please tell us the story of an invention (by YOU) or new system or way of working or communicating that you have spread in that group of people your colleagues,friends or family ...

Photos 22 More

Posted by McfluwsterA CHALLENGE For fun Would someone like to re-arrange this image from elsewhere in this forum into " A periodic table of Berries in the USA"?

Posted by McfluwsterMy new year's gift to promoite the best creative science and hence improve the rest of your life, but you have to engage with these sentences to get their ...

Posted by McfluwsterThis is the way to imrove your life through science education of YOURSELF.

Posted by McflewsterSeveral ways of encouraging science that works .

Posted by McflewsterHow many of you have had this kind of experience on Christmas or any other day?

Posted by McflewsterIs this true? Were you experimentally dangerous when young?

Posted by McflewsterA comment posted from a discussion on this site by Hank This is just for you! It is an experimental layout and sequences of scientific method.

Posted by Mcflewster COMPARING THE EFFICIENCY OF FACE MASKS The N95 is different with and without a valve It does not protect other people because it lets out unfiltered air.

Posted by McflewsterJust a reminder

Posted by McflewsterHelpful and really interesting on covid transmission risk in different indoor/outdoor situations.

Posted by McflewsterI am at this instant attending the American Humanist conference Wish I had thought of this name first (below) [] []

Posted by McflewsterTo see the way ahead on your journey []

Posted by McflewsterHow science leads to Humanism [] []

Posted by McflewsterLast night I watched a video presentation introducing me to the work of Ask For Evidence.

Posted by McflewsterLast night I watched a video presentation introducing me to the work of Ask For Evidence.

Posted by McflewsterPlease help me to convince people that COMMON SENSE IS NOT THE SAME THING AS SCIENCE.

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