Non Religious Science teachers -any age

To discuss the problems and successes of teaching science in any country. Particularly teaching science method or making science fun and personally rewarding. You do not have to have been employed as a science teacher only want to improve everyone’s science education.


To discuss the problems and successes of teaching science in any country. Particularly teaching science method or making science fun and personally rewarding. You do not have to have been employed as a science teacher only want to improve everyone’s science education.


Posts Tagged "teacher" By Mcflewster (94) Posts by anyone

Aug 3Aug 3

Posted by Mcfluwster
My reply to a posting about "the laws controlling the stupidity of People" Elsewhere on THIS website site. Your teacher had a THEORY and no where near as many qualifications and experience as the specialist in the condition who had a whole team of ...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Jul 22Jul 22

Posted by Mcfluwster
Secular Teachers site on this website I am not secular . I can explain my views .Just wondering whether anyone has ever considered becoming a Humanist or Agnostic Teacher . No offense intended . I run the Non Religious science teacher - any age ...
1 comment
Shared from General & Hellos
Apr 4Apr 4

Posted by Mcfluwster
A challenge from a contributer from this site who is a teacher of English Literature. Would you be prepared to teach her science?. See my reply following the challenge to me @Mcfluwster thanks, but I see no need to teach science in a literature ...
1 comment
Feb 4, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by Mcfluwster
Are you a teacher who does not know it? Number TWO
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Feb 21, 2022Feb 2022

Posted by Mcflewster
Is science teaching going backwards? Time does not matter in this story, but I think it was the 1970s. I was a young impressionable chemistry teacher still trying to search out my potential on the promotion ladder. One ...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Mar 27, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
THIS IS THE PLACE TO PUT YOUR CRITICAL THINKING ABOUT THE Post below headed " This is a survey and an experiment" . Please do not hold back on any aspect - wording ,Poll use, hypothesis etc. It is not restricted to teachers . Just say how you would ...
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Oct 6, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
What are the major & minor factors which stop children even starting a scientific investigation by themselves that they would enjoy or help them. When do these factors become autism? This question has roots in the time when, as science teacher, I ...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Apr 9, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
I have for some years been trying to possibly improve science teaching by thinking through exercises which use the processes of science to do their own original thinking or creativity on problems outside of the laboratory. This is so that they can ...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Apr 6, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by Fernapple
As a none teacher I would like to ask a question if I may, this issue came up in a post on another groups page. Education tends to reflect the historical narrative of discovery, especially to use that as its structure for teaching children, yet for...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Mar 28, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
Does the fact that you are agnostic with regard to religion make its way into effecting your everyday life? If you get a problem where you “Just do not know the answer” how do you tackle the problem? Is it the same as how you tackle religion? ...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Mar 26, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
As an ex science teacher, everyday I think " If only they had learned ' that ' bit of science they would not be in so much trouble " Currently I think here in the UK that the people who fix the potholes in the road do not understand the massive ...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Jan 18, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by Robecology
Saw this banner at the L.A. teacher's strike. Can anyone fact check it?
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Apr 29, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by JacarC
"Amature" human here. Thereby a teacher by default. Avid, lifelong, reader, science and science fiction. And have been surrounded by science teachers, researchers, workers, and dance artists, and many other such types of dudes,.. A friend has ...
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Apr 5, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Mcflewster
If you are NOT a teacher but interested in improving Science teaching , please tell us about the most important science teacher in your life. In particular his/her teaching style in respect of how much they gave information and let YOU draw ...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Apr 2, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Mcflewster
If you are a science teacher " What are the most enjoyable aspects of your work? Tell us of any genuine discoveries your pupils have made with minimal(if possible) input from you.

Photos 22 More

Posted by McfluwsterA CHALLENGE For fun Would someone like to re-arrange this image from elsewhere in this forum into " A periodic table of Berries in the USA"?

Posted by McfluwsterMy new year's gift to promoite the best creative science and hence improve the rest of your life, but you have to engage with these sentences to get their ...

Posted by McfluwsterThis is the way to imrove your life through science education of YOURSELF.

Posted by McflewsterSeveral ways of encouraging science that works .

Posted by McflewsterHow many of you have had this kind of experience on Christmas or any other day?

Posted by McflewsterIs this true? Were you experimentally dangerous when young?

Posted by McflewsterA comment posted from a discussion on this site by Hank This is just for you! It is an experimental layout and sequences of scientific method.

Posted by Mcflewster COMPARING THE EFFICIENCY OF FACE MASKS The N95 is different with and without a valve It does not protect other people because it lets out unfiltered air.

Posted by McflewsterJust a reminder

Posted by McflewsterHelpful and really interesting on covid transmission risk in different indoor/outdoor situations.

Posted by McflewsterI am at this instant attending the American Humanist conference Wish I had thought of this name first (below) [] []

Posted by McflewsterTo see the way ahead on your journey []

Posted by McflewsterHow science leads to Humanism [] []

Posted by McflewsterLast night I watched a video presentation introducing me to the work of Ask For Evidence.

Posted by McflewsterLast night I watched a video presentation introducing me to the work of Ask For Evidence.

Posted by McflewsterPlease help me to convince people that COMMON SENSE IS NOT THE SAME THING AS SCIENCE.

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